
If you have coronary artery disease, how can dr's know how much plaque buildup you have in an artery?

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If you have coronary artery disease, how can dr's know how much plaque buildup you have in an artery?




  1. Cardiac Catheterization is the best way to find out because they send a tube down one of the major arteries (while using an X-ray machine) to go as far as the arteries and veins on ur heart and shoot a dye into the blood vessels to see how blocked it really is and if they see it's really bad, they can stent at the same time (keeps the artery/vein from collapsing).

  2. Coronary angiogram gives the exact location and extent of the block. A contrast  medium is injected into coronary arteries  via Femoral artery. Serial pictures in different angles are taken to map all coronary arteries.

  3. Either conventional angio or CT cardiac angio can be used.

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