
If you have designed fashion things where can you get them made?

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like if you have designed loads of fashion items where can you get them made like what company and what country and how much would it cost (i'm just a teen but my parents are rich) most of them i designed are different types of leather mainly patent leather and plain leather




  1. The cheapest place to get clothes manufactured is China (as with most things...labour is cheap). If you're looking for only a prototype...look in your local newspaper and try to find a seamstress that will do it for you. Then build on your collection and get your own line going ie...get your own web site and sell your clothing. Once your business picks up, you could start selling larger quantities to stores! Good luck! If your parents have a load of cash ask them to "invest" in you and your'll pay off can do it! Start with a mini business plan (ask on yahoo for how to start up...there's LOTS of knowlegable people that would be more than willing to get you moving in the right direction)...I'm excited for you b/c I started my own business at your age (daycare centre) and recently sold my company for LOTS of cash (I'm pretty much set for life...or a very long time). There will be LOTS of people that tell you that you're in over your head...or that you're too young...or that you can't do it....DON'T listen to have talent, drive and ambition...set your goals and reach for the stars...Good Luck!!!

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