
If you have done many SINFUL things in life, would god choose to put you in h**l? plz answer seriously...?

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for instance, if you hit your parents, yell at your parents, lie sometimes, and do sinful things, would god choose you to go to h**l instead of heaven?

i've heard that death is a place of destination while life is like a "test", so does this test mean to test if you are really suitable to go to heaven or h**l?

plz answer thoughtfully thx.




  1. if you confess and admit all the bad things u did and u try to live your life how god wants u too then ur okay...god knows that u are trying to change your ways and u want to be a better person!  

  2. If we are honest we would have to admit that we all do things that we know are wrong. Sometimes we do things of which we are deeply ashamed. More than that, there is a self-centredness about our lives which spoils them. Jesus said, 'What comes out of you is what makes you "unclean". For from within, out of your hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make you "unclean". (Mark 7 v 20-23). Our greatest need, in fact, is for forgiveness. Just as someone who has cancer needs a doctor whether they realise it or not, so we need forgiveness whether we realise it or not. Just as with cancer, those who recognise their need are far better off than those who are lulled into a false sense of security. By His death on the cross Jesus made it possible for us to be forgiven and brought back into a relationship with God. In this way He supplied the answer to our deepest need.

    If you want to know more - please contact me

    God bless you!

  3. So Un-sin, learn from your mistakes,and don't repeat them.

    Yes - very easy for me to give advice.

    If you have struck and yelled at your parents, that is not good. There is never a reason for that. Sounds like your/ their life is h**l already.

    I am sorry for your whole family. I hope you change.

    God love you!

  4. if God send me to eternal h**l because I - for instance- hit my parents or yell at them ... they will hate him for it and will even join satan and fight him to free me from h**l !!!

    there is no reason , any reason at all , to send some one to a place like h**l , forever .

    add to that the fact that God created all of us , even sinners . not only that .. but he is the creator of sin by sending his ( holy ) commands . without these commands .. without religion .. there is no sin .

    life is a test ?

    I heared that too , but I think it's so stupid .

    because god knows the results of that test already ! .. it's worthless to him as it's meaningless to us .

    the idea of heaven and h**l , in my opinion , is the old - very old - version of jail and freedom . bad guys go to jail and good guys go free or have a reward .

    thousands of years a go .. people needed this . because they never knew such thing as Law and human justice . it was not formed in a legal system yet . they had to force people to be good and stay away from doing bad things . like stealing or killing . so they invented the commands of God .

    on the other hand , kings needed the power of God , they were called the sons of God , why ? ... to make sure that people will never think of asking them why or thinking of taking their place . how could a sinful human think of taking the place of the Son of the living God ?!!

    old sins = crimes today

    the reason why we still have religion and sins is because God can see and know about crimes , police would never know anything about .. or don't think of them as crimes yet .

    but imagine that the police have very advanced tools to monitor all people , even what they think about .. and can see what they are doing 24/7 ... and can use that to send bad people away to jail instantly .. imagine that no one can play tricks on the law . would you be talking today about sins ?.. why would we need sins ?

    of course we will still believe in God .. that's another subject . but we will forget about sins . we will think of better reason to go to h**l or heaven . like believing in god or not . being a christian , a jew , a muslim or not . but not because of sins .

    if all sins can be payed for in this life , h**l will be empty !

    we will not worry about h**l , we will worry about jail and the law in this life .

    even god himself would close it down !

  5. If YOU made the choices of sinning, how is it "God" is the one choosing where you spend eternity???

  6. God doesn't take you to h**l. people choose to take themselves to h**l all the time. all the things you listed. only a SINGLE one is enough to take you to h**l if the sin is not forgiven.

  7. No there is no sin to great that when asking for forgiveness will not be forgiven when asked with a true heart and a willingness to be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. But change must happen within your life to bear the fruit of the Spirit.  

  8. I don't believe in heaven and h**l or God. According to Christians, all you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ and you will get to heaven.

  9. unfortunately, no one really knows.

    some think if you repent enough, you're saved.

    some think you're doomed from birth.

    some think that you just die and are then resurrected by God to be put to a final test before he makes that decision.

    some think there's no such thing.

    who knows? Personally, i think there is no such thing as h**l, because isn't God supposed to love us through it all?

    sorry, i wish I could answer your question, because I'd really like to know, too.

  10. Dear Friend,

    If YOU (or anyone else for that matter) did or does those things, then ...YOU have willingly rebelled against God's standard for YOUR life and YOU send YOURSELF to h**l.  God doesn't send you, you do.  And h**l is not some testing ground for whatever purpose man may muster up in his finite mind.  h**l is a real place where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.  It is for eternity.  There is no escape, no pardon.  Jesus already pardoned us when He died to reconcile us back to the Father (our Creator, God).  We either accept His divine way of living and live eternally in Heaven and one day managing the NEW earth with Him as He rules from Jerusalem... or you get to be locked in chains being forced to worship Satan with wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Lake of Fire...for eternity.

    We choose our destiny.  With God or without.  The consequences are our own doing.  Not God's.  Sin is rebellion against God's divine standard and being separated (independent) from God.

    God wants a real personal relationship with us.  He wants to adopt us into His family and inheritance.  But we have to come to Him on HIS terms.  Not ours.

    Sin is very serious.  It cost Jesus His precious life for you and me.  He did nothing to deserve such a horrific death except LOVE us so much that He believed we were worth...SAVING from damnation.  Our choice!

  11. there are several people who turn to God in the last moment of their life and the only God greet them open arms.

  12. Don't be silly and superstitious.

    But know that there is a magical man in the sky with a sniper rifle ready to take you out if you say his name three times in a row.

  13. The only true test is man's conscience and whether he is at peace with it or not.

    God does not choose, you choose, and God assists you in that decision.

    If you repent your 'sins' then God will assist you to be at peace, not excuse, not justify, but lead you to a position of understanding.

    You are the one that will ultimately judge your sins and God will let it be so.

    That is why everyone is given the opportunity to fully and absolutely repent their sins.

    In doing so the choice is to remain in peace before you pass or have unresolved issues that will torment you before you cross over.

  14. If you forgive a person  $100.00 and then another person $10000000000000000000.00 which one is going be more thankfull and make the most fathfull servent,thats the way God looks at it..

  15. yes. see after doomsday you go up to the skies and god weighs your good things and your bad things. if your have more bad than good you go to h**l and vice-versa

  16. All of us have sinned. It is denying God and not asking for forgiveness that sends one to h**l. We as believers strive for his righteousness. We are not or ever will be perfect.But with God working in our lives, we are made better.

  17. The first sin you commit, no matter how big, it automatically separates you form God. If you believe in God when you die, then he'll take you up to heaven, no matter how much sin you have done in your life.

  18. Thoughtful answer: Wake the F UP!!. Use you're head. There is no heaven or h**l and there is no God. This life is all you get, make the best of it. You're an idiot for hitting anybody, yelling at your parents or lying. Grow up already.    

  19. God is a very understanding it's not ok to do things u mentioned and in Islam when u do sins that concern God u only have to ask for forgivness and it will be given. but when ur sins r concerned with others u have to ask those u hurt to forgive u..and then u can ask God to forgive u and it will be ok!!

    honestly I kinda believe that eventually God will put us all in Heaven but a lil fire will not be unobtained,so to speak, if of course u earned the lil time in h**l....

    now this life IS a test but it should not be spent with prayers and fasting.. there was that guy who was sitting in the mosque for the whole time..and when the caliph asked about him and knew he was the way he was, he through him out of the mosque and told him that work is a prayer itself..

    so just live this test life to the limits and things will be alright in the after life...

  20. If you confess, repent and are baptized into salvation, He will save you.

  21. Every one is full of sin and we all deserve to go to h**l.

    Only Christ can change that.

  22. Those sin will not put you in h**l.  Murder, s*x immorality, that is different.

    Yes it is a test to see if you will keep the commandments, improve your life and serve others. To see if you will make the right choices.

  23. I think you've missed the good news.. God sent Jesus to die in your place and take your punishment for you.  Just go here and make a U Turn

  24. Why would you hit or yell at your parents? Grow up and act like an adult there is people worse off than you.Respect the ones you have cause love is unconditional. Your just taking advantage of life give life something back and enjoy it. As far as whether your going to h e double hockey sticks or heaven. People on yahoo answers can't answer this. But you need to start on a fresh path of life.  

  25. The ONLY unforgivable sin is that of final despair at the very last second of life. Heaven is an unearned gift and will be given to all who humbly accept it as such. All in heaven are those who are repentant SINNERS.  

  26. According to the many branches of christianity yes, that is true.

    If you do SINFUL things, god has to put you in h**l when you die.

    But the best thing to do is not have a religion at all.

  27. God has given us the freedom of choice. But, no one is perfect, we have all sinned in some way. That is why Jesus Christ died on the Cross, so that we can repent for our sins, and be forgiven. But to truly repent, means saying you're sorry, and not to repeat the deeds if possible. So, if you pray to God and ask him to forgive you for your sins, yes you can be forgiven. But, also, if doing something wrong against another fellow being, ask for their forgiveness, too, like your parents, tell them you're sorry. I love all my children, but I don't like what they do. This is how all parents should feel and our Father in Heaven feels the same way in my own belief.

  28. 9 " 'If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head."  Leviticus 20:9

    And He's not very willing to wait.

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