
If you have had a breathing tube (intubation?), did you have any problems after?

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I was put in an induced coma with a breathing tube for 7 days, now I find it hard to talk, unblock my ears and drink. What problems did you have and how long did they last? How long did you have the tube for?




  1. I had a breathing tube for four surgery's,and,every time I had a sore throat and it was hard to talk and swallow.Just take it easy and don't worry about it.Everything should be just fine once your throat heals up from having the tube down it.Get better soon.

  2. I was intubated when I had surgery and it hurt my throat a lot - made it hard to talk and swallow.

    My surgery was only like an hour and the pain stuck around for a couple of days - I can't imagine having to had deal with that after a week! Good luck - hang in there. You may want to just ring your doctor about it and make sure it's normal.  

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