
If you have had your holiday abroad this year (misty...)?

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Did you notice how the British are the fattest? I did, and I felt quite embarrassed . I can just imagine what other nationalities are saying about us now. " The Fat Island Monkeys" for example.




  1. its more the fat island illegal immigrant monkeys really.We are busy trying to get out the rest are busy trying to get in but i see your point there is a lot of suntanned large rear ends.  5ft ten eleven stone thirteen pounds ha

  2. Who cares, let people be people, not constantly starving themselves and worrying if they look like the magazines say they're supposed to all the time-like you do by the sound of it.

  3. Having just got back from 2 weeks in Florida - believe me most Brits look truly anorexic compared to the Yanks and Mexicans I saw.

  4. I live abroad and I have to admit, it is one of the first things I notice, as soon as I land at Liverpool airport people are much, much larger than here in Spain.

    Particularly the kids.

  5. The reason is obvious if you look in any supermarket on the continent.

    They have one small shelf selling crisps. In the UK there will ba a whole aisle.

    They sell very few ready made meals. We have whole families who eat nothing else

  6. Fact.

    'Globesity' has arrived in the UK.

    wait for it as the NHS is milked dry & swamped by

    diet pill prescriptions,

    gastric-banding ( as standard )

    fat camps & statins for the under 10's

    that's aged 10!

    see links below.


    I feel ashamed of what our nation has become &

    a mirror of the US.

    I'm a size 10.

    & know full well YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.

    eat too much, as you can't change the laws of nature

    you will get fat.

    what's so difficult to understand?

  7. I used to live in the UK but now live in Spain. I came here overweight but I have slimmed down to my normal weight.

    The food I eat here is much healthier than back home. The cost of wine is very cheap, but I now drink less.

  8. 7.4 stone? You could fit 2 of you into me.

    Get in ma belleh!

  9. Among Europeans, Brits are by far the fattest, but Italy is close.  Americans are the biggest worldwide.

    Sorry Dollybird but Canadians are thinner than per capita than Brits, 23.5% obese Canadians, 24.5% obese Brits.

    It's a fast food thing.

    6'4 and 16st 1

  10. I'm starting to feel that way about Australians (I am Aussie) - its sad but not so unique to western society who are used to having what they want when they want.  I mean, at least in Australia we have beautiful weather and a general love of sports - I guess that love extends to eating too...

  11. Quite often yes, but Germans and Dutch can be a bit on the large side too.

    The thing I always notice about the Brits when on holiday is how much they smoke and drink.

    Probably only because I used to do the same, but I've got 2 young kids now and I don't smoke any more and drink very little.

  12. not true, the canadians and americans beat us hands down and they dont even have the decency to cover up when they fetch a drink and even worse have a meal, it quite put me off me chips when confronted by overweight, old men with more hair on their backs than i have on my whole body and it was all grey and curly !  yuck

  13. i went to cancun, mexico and trust me the yanks were the fattest by a long way.

  14. Hmmm. I live in Italy, and I have to say I have noticed that the average size here is much smaller than in the UK. And they aren't all on diets, they eat a helluva lot, but they eat healthily!

    I've had Italians not believe me that I'm a Brit cos "I'm too thin" or "not obese"(!)... I'm a UK size 8-10, and here I'm average size, if not above! It's embarrassing, you're right!

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