
If you have it all in ur marriage...Why do men cheat?

by  |  earlier

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I asked to all men cheat....for the ones that do, I need to know why?




  1. Depends on your definition of having it all.  If he still thinks like a single guy, then he can never have it all with one woman

  2. People who cheat are sometimes bored or not mature enough for true intimacy.  Sometimes it is from past pain or lack of life experience.

    Relationship counseling may help if both partners want to work it out and resume a faithful relationship.

    Dump him and move on if he is not willing to do all the work to earn back your trust.

  3. Many reasons. Some men just cant turn it down when its offered. Others are looking for something that they are not getting at home. Some are just bored with their partner. It is like eating choc late ice cream for 10 years everyday sometimes you just want a little vanilla.  It really depends on the person.  

  4. men that cheat may not be looking for something better, but something different and fresh.  

  5. well gurl i think all men cheats becuz there have nuttin better to do .

  6. ask yourself this ..ok..." would you eat chicken all and every day ??....there you have your

  7. Usually men that cheat are not getting any s*x at home...that's just the truth...

  8. Women cheat's goes both ways and there are no specific reasons why, just based on each person and situation.

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