
If you have lost weight, how did you diet?

by  |  earlier

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It doesn't matter how many pounds you lost or how long it took....




  1. I started eating more fiber and proteins.  They keep me full for a longer period of time and I don't want to snack all the time.

  2. I neither gain nor lose weight by more than five pounds since I was in high school.  I'm now 35 and still maintain 150-155 pounds.  I eat a balanced diet of meat, dairy, grains, vegetables/fruits.  The "secret" is that I always stop eating when I first start to feel full. I never keep eating past that.  I also don't snack on large amounts of anything between meals.  I also keep active and do a lot of walking, taking the stairs, doing martial arts (sword fighting) etc.  So I keep active enough to burn off most of the calories I eat.  It's that simple: eat right and exercise.  You don't need any pills or fancy diet programs.

  3. by the looks of your avatar, you look fine as it is, diets aren't very good for you.

    trust me, i've tried a low-carb diet and i felt so sick and de-hydrated!

  4. I just exercised, I didn't change my food at all

  5. ate nuthin at all.. but thats not a good thing.. thats a vry bad thing.. had issues =[..

    eat healthy thats my advice

  6. You really want to lose weight.......... here is a FOR SURE way (I have dieted for 22 years and only one way ever worked): Detox your body......never eat flour or sugar.  Eliminate sugar and flour (body goes through physical withrawls for about a week).  If you want me to be specific, do this:


    4 ounces protien (example, 2 eggs or 4 pieces of bacon)

    1 fruit (no banana, no grapes too much sugar)


    4 oz protien (chicken, fish, beans, eggs. etc)

    2 cups vegetables (no carrots)

    1 cup salad


    4 oz protien

    4 cups vegetable

    you can have sugar free soda or sugar free jello for snacks.

    I PROMISE you will lose weight if you stop the sugar and flour


  7. well at first i totally crash dieted (bad idea) i only ate fruits and veggies some lean meat..i  totally stopped eating bread, pasta and cereal..then i started eating healthy.. fruits, veggies, fat free dairy, lean meat and oatmeal..its still what i do, basically if you cut out sugary drinks and sweets and white bread/pasta youll see a dramatic difference BUT it takes time

  8. just cut out things like pasta and bread will help  

  9. Stress just haven't been able to eat much.

  10. I work out for and hour everyday  doing cardio for the last 5 mos and watch what I eat!

  11. 1) I just exercised(for about 20 mins in the morning & 30 mins in the evening) the exercise doesn't have to be vigorous; it can be simple sit-ups/jogging/early morning brisk walking.. 2) I cut off a junk food, excessive fats& oils, carbohydrates/sugar.. ate more fruits & vegetables.. also water; drank lots (don't have to be 8 glasses a day).. also a great point, you should stay away from unhealthy snacking.. if you do feel peckish sometimes go for the fruit/ vegetable rather than the sweet thing/ pastries.. if you should follow what I just said you shall be seeing results by the next 2 days.. trust me!!

  12. Steam fast diet, do some speed its all you'll need!

  13. Seems to me I have found a perfect "remedy"  for myself  - working, running and not eating 3-4 hours before going to bed.

    But don't run at morning - you body is still sleeping and it's too much for your heart.

    I like gyms.

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