
If you have mold growing in only your basement, does it circulate through your house?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have central air or heating. I went down in my basement two days ago and we're starting to get mold. I contacted the landlord and he's fixing it with that mold blocker paint and a dehumidifier. Does mold affect your health if you are upstairs (1 or 2 floors above the basement)? I try to stay away from the actual mold and wear gloves and a mask when I must go in the basement.




  1. It certainly can impact on residents and should be dealt with as soon as possible. Just by virtue of the fact that you are going into the basement the air is being circulated somewhat. The spores are microscopic so you cannot see them but they're there. You've done well by speaking up about it and getting something done.

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