
If you have no friends, and people target you, an tell others to stay away from you, is there any hope?

by  |  earlier

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everyone in my college hates me. i have a terrible reputation, coz i had an argument with 3-4 people at the start, and basically, they ended up being the popular/political people. As you can guess, they slandered me, lied, 'profiled' me (record every small thing i do, and spread it to others, and dredge it back up in the future), twisted my words and turned others against me, starting fights for me, setting me up, told any new person i met to stay away from me etc.

if i do meet a new person, we are cool initially, but then they start asking "how come you dont have any friends, why does everyone hate you". I tell them to ask others why they hate me. i know its natural for people to go with the majority, and think there is something wrong with someone who has no friends.

But, i am as good a human as i can be, but that just makes people say "oh look he's trying to act nice so we will like him" or "he's a fake" or "he's too goody goody".

and now..i've run out of people..what to do?

PS: don't comment if you're going to say stuff like "there is something wrong with you, you have to change", coz im as nice as i can be.




  1. don't worry things will change. it won't always be like this. And anyone who is a trully valuable friend will be your friend cos they like you not cos of what everyone else says.

    On the other hand. High school sucks big time. Life is not really like high school. People are petty and sad and catty and drama filled in high school. Once you get out of there trust me things will get better.

    In the meantime. Can you change schools? Seriously. Why the h**l not? That would give you the perfect out as to why you have no friends. If people ask why you changed just say..oh we moved or its easier for me to get here or whatever. If they hear rumors from your old school they will be unlikely to care and you can just say ..oh yeah there were some real wan*ers at my old school.

    Failing that join some clubs outside of school. Stuff you will enjoy. Then have a good time an if you make friends then all cool and if you don't either way you will have fun and get to hang out with some fairly reasonable people for a change.

    Good luck.  Hang in there.

  2. Whenever you get a chance say to people "Remember Columbine"

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