
If you have no money, theft is still a crime, why do some Americans feel destroying the Bill of Rights is ok.?

by  |  earlier

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....because they have nothing to hide ? If you had nothing to steal you wouldn't want theft to be legallized, why are you ok with the government destroying rights to privacy because you currently have nothing to hide ?




  1. Because they have decided that 'security' is more important than freedom. Which means that they deserve neither in my not so humble opinion.

  2. Conservatives have never understood the Constitution.  Abstract thought is a stretch for them.

  3. Which Amendment mentions the "right to privacy"?  I can't seem to find it.

  4. They don't understand the consequences. Nothing to hide is suddenly something when they find a communist pamphlet in the 50s.

  5. So tell me how you personally have had your rights violated.  I bet 500 bucks you haven't even read the bill, just came here to rant and rave like a loon.

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