
If you have one penny and double it every day, by the end of a 30-day month how much money will you have?

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If you have one penny and double it every day, by the end of a 30-day month how much money will you have?




  1. I'd be a rich mother f'er.

  2. over a billion dollars.

  3. day 1 - 1

    day 2 - 2

    day 3 - 4

    day 4 - 8

    day 5 - 16

    day 6 - 32

    day 7 - 64

    day 8 - 128

    day 9 - 256

    day 10 - 512

    day 11 - 1024

    day 12  - 2048

    day 13 - 4096

    day 14 - 8192

    day 15 - 16384

    day 16 - 32768

    day 17 - 65536

    day 18 - 131072

    day 19 - 262114

    day 20 - 524288

    day 21 - 1048576

    day 22 - 2097152

    day 23 - 4194304

    day 24 - 8388608

    day 25 - 16777216

    day 26 - 33554432

    day 27 - 67108864

    day 28 - 134217708

    day 29 - 268435456

    day 30 - 536870912

    that's in cents. you'd end up with $5 368,709.12

  4. 12,354.75^2 dollars and 24.99 cents squared

  5. $10,737,418.23

  6. $5,368,709.12

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