
If you have or had ever had a gambling addiction?

by  |  earlier

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Can you tell me how it started, or i guess i mean when you realized you had a problem?Thanks




  1. Back in the '80s, my husband, who is not a very good businessman to begin with, began investing in commodities & futures by phone, then moved into buying and selling investments online in the 90s. He'd 'win' a big amount in a good trade, buy us a new car, or a fancy trip, then lose twice the amount on the next trade. Twice we had to sell our house to pay the IRS. It was up and down for so many years, that I just broke down one day. I don't think he thought it was a gambling problem until that moment when he saw that I just couldn't put up with it any more. He finally went to gambler's anonymous and was convinced he really did have a problem when he heard the stories from some of the others there. He quit gambling in the stock market, cold turkey, the very next day. We're much happier now.

    I hope, if you're asking for yourself, or a friend, you'll follow through with getting help.

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