
If you have paranoia, does people smoking marijuana in the same room affect it?

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I smoked weed for about a year and a half and then quit smoking it about a year ago as it made me paranoid and gave me anxiety/panic attacks. I have found that I have improved and do not feel depressed or anxious half as much, but my boyfriend and his family smoke it and they all smoke around me. Is it possible to passive smoke weed and does this mean that if I sit in the same room as them when they are smoking I could end up with a mental health problem or it could prevent me from getting better? Please answer as I am really worried about it (or paranoid ha-ha)




  1. yes-just like second hand smoke

  2. I've been smoking for 25 years.

    Being in the same room with others CAN cause you to be paranoid, but it's not the smoke that's doing it, it is likely your past experience that is causing these fears.

  3. I am the same, I already have bad paranoia and was smoking weed and found it made me worse but passively inhaling doesn't effect you, it would have to be a lot. I expect your paranoia is making think its going to make it worse just try to forget about it.

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