
If you have right or left headlight failure, what is the traffic enforcement?

by Guest66857  |  earlier

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If you have right or left headlight failure, what is the traffic enforcement?




  1. Here theres no fix-it tickets anymore....very few, dont drive at night til you replace it.......since you dont know, and didnt say where your at........

  2. If there are no other violations, you'll usually get a "fix it" ticket, and no fine as long as you can show that the faulty headlight has been repaired.

  3. Will you be driving in any particular country?

  4. You will get stopped and in most all cases get a warning ticket for inoperative equipment......

  5. I agree with the first answer, a lot of times police officers especially when they have not given enough tickets or pulled enough people over are the ones who will stop you.  I would get it fixed.

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