
If you have scoliosis can you still join the Air Force?

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My boyfriend has scoliosis and he wants to join the Air Force. Could he still join?




  1. Lumbar scoliosis greater than 20 degrees or thoracic scoliosis greater than 30 degrees as measured by the Cobb method is disqualifying for entry into the armed forces. However, what you describe with his slouching sounds more like kyphosis or lordosis. And if that exceeds 55 degrees as measured by the Cobb method that is disqualifying as well.

    The source below is the medical standard.  

  2. It depends on the severity of his scoliosis but it is possible and has happened.  He just needs to talk to an Air Force recruiter and pass a military physical examination.

  3. Can you see his disease state when he bends over? Does he have pain? If you answered yes to one of these questions, then no, he cannot join the Air Force.

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