
If you have seen a psychiatrist privately in the past, how do you go about getting ur medical notes from them?

by  |  earlier

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does it cost money?




  1. From what I've heard you call or visit the office of you pdoc and request your files.  They will either give you a number to call or tell you where to go.  They can't keep this information from you.

    Good Luck

  2. As the previous person said. Go to the clinic where you were seen and reqwuest to see your files.

    If your case has been closed for a long periodm of time then the notes will have been archived and they will have to retrieve them for you, this may take some time as archives are not nescessarily in the same town/city as the clinic is.

    Its simple and under the data protection act you are entitled to see anything wriotten about you.

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