
If you have seen shark on youtube...what are your thoughts?

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Is he right or blowing things out of proportion?

Just wanting other ideas on him....

not wanting an argument

and im bored




  1. The video I watched, supposedly from 2007, showed some pretty clear violations and if they are true and not altered, then the officials are no better for doing this than the TWHBEA for turning a blind eye to soring.

    All of these "fine traditions" and "rich history" arguments make me want to puke.  Excusing this kind of behavior is what will be the end of the sport because people tend to follow blindly and throw the baby out with the bath water without making rational conclusions between violators and people who do not abuse their animals.

    The problem with some whistle blowing organizations is that once things start getting better, it's harder to get the damning old stuff is passed off as new, etc.  That's a stupid thing to do, because when people who know for certain when it's done see it, they dismiss the entire cause as fraudulent.  Look what the radicals have done to the good that PETA could have stood for: the ethical treatment of animals.

    So I won't pass judgment on Shark since I don't know if it is all legit with their dates and such.  But I will say the images in the video are disturbing and the honest people who care for the sport need to run the rule breaking b******s out of town.

  2. i have seen SHARK videos and several of them are downright lies ! he likes to put up a running commentary of what to an uneducated person they could perceive as abuse.if he actually knew anything about rodeo or livestock he might be dangerous but since he is an uneducated,ex hunter from illinois(the home of rodeo?) who makes a living off of donations from equally uneducated bunny huggers who believe the c**p he spews out of his mouth.he doesn't even travel himself to get those videos,he buys them from other people so he can edit them to best suit his cause.he and his followers have a lifetime ban from any professional rodeo and has been warned that if he shows up at one he will be arrested for trespassing.something he forgot to mention on his website is he tried to have a stock contractor charged with animal abuse in california using one of his videos as evidence,unfortunately when it came to trial he couldnt prove that the stock contractor had done anything outside of the law (big embarrasment to the prosecutor) ending with a rather stern warning from the judge for wasting taxpayer money,oh i almost forgot some of his followers cut the chain link fence at a rodeo allowing 20 + bucking horses out onto a golf coarse causing $10.000 plus dollars in damages,onto a road almost destroying a jeep with a father in it when the horses stampeded over it and finally ending up with five horses stuck in a field bog almost killing them,that little stunt allowed his organisation to be put onto the FBI terrorist watchlist,that is why he has changed the name of it .

  3. OMG!! I''ve watched ALL the videos!!!!!!! Ever since then Ive hated the rodeo. I dont think that they blow the facts out of proportion at all. It's a fact that the rodeos to treat they're animals too harshly in order to create a good preformance and this results to many injures to horses, cattle and any other rodeo animals. Thus; Creulty.

  4. I think it's blown out of proportion personally.  And then people take one little thing they've seen and make an opinion on it instead of really educating themselves.  Like the wild horse roundups.  People here one bit of propaganda from the horse interest groups and then start bashing the BLM and whatnot and act like they are experts on the subject.

    Those videos from SHARK make me sad, as they show that bad things do sometimes happen at rodeos, but it does not change my opinion of rodeos.  I have been to far too many that have been good, and known some great stock contractors, great rodeo participants, great events organizers.  I can not and will not condemn rodeos from a few prejudiced videos.  

    That's the problem with interest groups...they think they are doing something so great but they are so passionate about one side of the coin that they never flip it over and look at the other side.  And SO MANY people feed into that.  Unfortunately.

  5. SHARK...just as bad as PETA in my opinion...nothing but terrorists, crazy fanatical losers.

    Edit...if you watch the SHARK video's...none of them shoot clean through without edits. They show something without showing the whole picture. They make those video's so that they look worse than they are...although they have caught some good accidents...and the guy with the buzzer...but can't they lobby the PRCA to change that instead of trying to say the whole sport is bad because one bucking horse wrangle had a buzzer? They take things wayyyy tooo far.

  6. o_O put up a link.

  7. I don't like the videos that are just a collection of pictures. In the pictures you cant see what happened before the horse fell( for example). but as I've said before, opinions are like a** holes......

  8. Blown out of proportion...

    Taking isolated incidences and trying to apply them to EVERYONE.

    Just cause I see someone use a whip to beat their horse...doesn't mean that whips are an abusive tool and they should be banned.  It means that the whip holder is an uneducated moron.  *just an example*

    Same goes for their opinion on rodeos...

    I didn't look at the videos...but I know what it revolves around.  It's easy to manipulate videos and commentary to support someone's personal point of views.  I believe one that was talked about was the 'cruelty' of pulling on a horse's tail to get him up from the ground when it layed down in the chute.  Someone who doesn't know or follow rodeo...would see that as cruel.  Guess they think it'd be better to let the horse flail around and get it's legs caught in the rails.

    It's just a manipulated way of showing video and commentary to back up their 'interpretation' of rodeo.  My opinion...Pppllllllttttt!!!

  9. You should give us a link! ;-)

  10. I have been rodeoing all my life

    and I have never ever seen an animal get hurt.

    They were born and trained to do rodeos.

    They like it.

    Im glad to here some people on here like rodeos.

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