My friend spends to much time on yahoo and the internet and every 5 Min's she is emailing me thinking her baby has died she is driving me round the bend.
my friend had 2 ultrasounds at 6 and 8 weeks and there was the baby and heart beat.
she has most of her pregnancy symptoms but has been emailing me saying have you seen this answer and have you read this question they had a missed miscarriage that is what i have,
i am trying to put her mind at rest but am not succeeding.
Should i keep telling her it will be ok she has her ultrasound at 12 weeks on the 17th and she has said there is no point the baby is dead,
all because she had a bleed last week a tiny little bit and the doc would not scan her again,and she has some cramping which she has had from 4 weeks.
sorry for it being so long but i want to get it right and email her this