
If you have seen your babys heartbeat on ultrasound at 6 and 8 weeks what is the lieklyhood of a missed miscar?

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My friend spends to much time on yahoo and the internet and every 5 Min's she is emailing me thinking her baby has died she is driving me round the bend.

my friend had 2 ultrasounds at 6 and 8 weeks and there was the baby and heart beat.

she has most of her pregnancy symptoms but has been emailing me saying have you seen this answer and have you read this question they had a missed miscarriage that is what i have,

i am trying to put her mind at rest but am not succeeding.

Should i keep telling her it will be ok she has her ultrasound at 12 weeks on the 17th and she has said there is no point the baby is dead,

all because she had a bleed last week a tiny little bit and the doc would not scan her again,and she has some cramping which she has had from 4 weeks.

sorry for it being so long but i want to get it right and email her this




  1. OMG get ready for a fun pregnancy!  this is going to feel like the longest pregnancy EVER.  she sounds really spastic. cramping is totally normal, i had cramping all throughout my first trimester.  the bleeding was most likely implantation bleeding which is totally normal.  i bled at 15 weeks and am now 38 weeks and my baby is fine.  some women get their period through most of their pregnancy.  tell her she needs to relax because the stress isn't good for the baby.  im sure the doctor would have brought her in right away if he thought something was wrong.....instead of another scan tell her to call the doctors office and explain her worries and have them find the heartbeat with the fetal doppler.

  2. I was having gushing and bleeding with hard cramping during my 8-10th weeks being pregnant.  I was SO SURE I was miscarrying, but I kept calling the doctor and the doctor kept telling me I was fine... ??? That answer wasn't good enough for me so I called him back, asking if I could come it to set my mind at ease.  We scheduled an appointment and I went in.  We heard the heartbeat, I got an ultrasound... and everything was just fine.

    I don't know what the deal was, but I guess every woman is different.  I thought I was miscarrying, and I'm now 17 weeks along... doing just fine!!

  3. Tell her to quit worrying about it. The baby has a heartbeat and she has seen it. Likely hood of her miscarrying has become slimmer since that heart has started beating. Tell her you would appreciate it if she talked about something else bc all the questions and concerns she is telling you is driving you batty.  

  4. she sounds like shes fine, They say when you have a miscarriage you have alot of bleeding and really really bad cramps/pain. She only had alittle bit then i dont see where theres something wrong. Sometimes we have alittle bit of spotting in early pregnancy due to more blood flow to your cervic. Plus if she had s*x that day or the day before it could have been spotting from that. shes not in dieing pain or having really heavy bleeding then she sounds like everything is doing fine.  

  5. If the doctor was not worried about the bleeding it must not have been very much and she should be fine.  A little bit of blood is normal in some pregnancies.  As for the cramping, all women usually experience some cramping from the uterus expanding.  

  6. Tell her if she is that worried about the baby go to the ER. Otherwise if she has not has bright red or dark bleeding in large amounts she is fine

  7. If her doctor is not worried, she shouldn't worry about it. Unless she had some real symptoms of a miscarriage like a lot of bleeding, clots, and severe cramps, more than likely the baby is fine. I had really bad cramps at the beginning of both of my pregnancies and had 2 healthy babies.

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