
If you have split up with someone and get back togetherr?

by  |  earlier

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should you tell them if you have seen anyone in between? i spilt with my partner for 2 years and now we are getting back on track. i saw sum1 inbetween but i know if i tell him now it will ruin everything what is the best thing to do? help




  1. dont worry hun he has probably seen someone too, but wont say. if he doesnt ask you then there is no need to tell him but just incase he has been with someone id ask him to get tested for sti's he probably clean but its for your own health.

  2. You have answered that yourself, dont tell him.

  3. don't do that its just gonna end up breaking up again

  4. No dont say anything about it, as it will probably ruin what u have. xx  

  5. i would say that you have to be honest with him/her

    they need to konw cause then it wont be fair for them !

  6. It's unrealistic for either one of you to assume that the other didn't see anyone else during the 2-YEAR period of your breakup!!!

    Neither of you would have been cheating, because you were no longer in a relationship!!

    If either of you can't move forward because the other one saw someone during this period, you really DO NOT belong together!!

  7. Dont mention it.

    If he asks, and feels like he needs to tell u that he has been with someone else, then u may aswell let it out and be straight with eachother.

    If no questions are asked, then u dont need to say anything.

  8. 2 years is a long time I'm sure it wont be a surprise to him that you saw someone else.  

  9. Wait. Don't say anything as yet. One day the right time will come and then perhaps you can tell him. Perhaps he too has seen someone. So be patient and never rush your decisions.  Decisions taken in haste often lead to waste.

  10. you have to be honest, what if he found out without you telling him? that would be the final nail in the coffin of the relationship as he'll want to know why you didn't tell him and what else you might be hiding. in this situation, honesty is definitely the best policy...

  11. Ask him if he was with anyone, if he says yes then he cant get even the slightest bit annoyed about it. Assuming you haven't already told him you haven't seen anyone else then he should get angry about seeing someone, although it could hurt him to know he's not the only guy you've wanted and/or had since you first got together. Regardless of whether he has or not, he'll most probably going to ask you the same thing back, id tell him but make sure he knows it wasn't serious and that its him you want to be with, adding something like the whole time you were with the other guy you were thinking he doesn't compare to your current partner would be a good idea, even if its not true. I think you should tell him, id want to know even if it hurt. Just do whatever you can to make sure he know it him you want to be with and try and make the other guy seem like a mistake. Lies and half truths will only drive a wedge between you and ultimately doom your relationship. That's my opinion anyway.

    Best of luck!!

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