
If you have taken 5HTP?

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I started taking 5HTP yesterday. I know I'm suffering from depression & anxiety since I've been battling it for years w/o going to the dr. I've got an appointment next w/ my dr. My ? is how soon after starting 5HTP did you start to see a change in your mood etc...??




  1. I've been taking this supplement for a year and am amazed by its benefits.  What strength are you taking?  How many times a day?  I started with 100mg once a day for a month and increased to 200mg; my "maintenance dose" is 200mg per day, but I will take an additional pill should I feel particularly anxious.

    You should seek the help of your physician before starting any new regimen, but keep in mind that most MD's scoff herbal (i.e. non-FDA approved) treatments.  Usually a DO will have a better understanding of supplements as they relate to healing.....most MD's treat symptoms with prescription pharmaceuticals only.  I would not recommend taking a prescription antidepressant in conjunction with L-5HTP; your brain is comprised of a delicate balance of neurotransmitters....get any one out of balance and its bound to cause more problems.

    Give yourself about a month to start seeing benefits.  Since this supplement works on serotonin, you should see a decrease in appetite, especially for those foods high on the glycemic index (refined breads, pasta, white sugar).  I have lost 32 pounds without really altering my diet!  I also sleep better and have improved mood.  

    Sorry this is so long, but I want you to realize that this is not a quick fix.  Results vary, and its imperative you are properly diagnosed by your physician first.  I've dealt with Depression for 20 years and know its volatile nature.  Take care of yourself.....let me know if this helps.

  2. I've never personally taken 5HTP but I'm writting to caution you to take a suppliment with out taking to your MD.  Are you on anyother medications that could negatively react with 5HTP.  

    5HTP is a pre-curser in our bodies to seritonin, so it should help relieve your depression symptoms, but I don't know how quickly.

    Here's a link to a site where you can read up on 5HTP.   or this one:

    Good luck, and remember you can always talk to a pharmacist about your medication questions as well.

  3. 5HTP generally doesn't make much of a difference unless it is in a very high dosage. It would be better to have your doctor prescribe a drug such as Zoloft. Be sure to discuss any medicine you are taking with your doctor.

  4. Herbs generally take a month or so to become fully active in your system, though you may see results before that.  You may also want to try SAMe or some of the other alternatives.  An experienced healthcare professional will help decide what is best if you decide to go naturally.

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