
If you have the flu would you skip ur volleyball class?

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I just came down with the flu this morning probably because I was SO stressed out from staying up all night studying for a really hard biology exam. But I have a volleyball class (a college elective) tomorrow morning but I feel achy and weak and I dont know if I'd just be delaying the team mates during play. I can hardly focus on my typing. Should I miss class? We are excused up to 3 times I think. I dont want to because we only meet 2 times a week which makes it hard to build skills. I plan on practicing this weekending on my own if I'm feeling better. What would you do?? Is it good to exercise with the flu? or be physically active?!?




  1. Most people with the flu wouldn't even have the energy to ask this question.  Typical flu symptoms include a 100+ fever, severe body aches and total exhaustion to the point of sleeping 10 hours and waking up tired.

    If I had those symptoms, I would go to the doctor and get a doctor's note.

  2. I'm so sorry about your flue! If your feeling a little better tomorrow I think that you should go for the first 30 minutes of it, and then go home and get some rest. You will at least get some fun!

  3. don't go

  4. Do what you feel like...

    if you made a commitment just think to urself whats more important, my sport or my health...

    If you really want to go you should, and not let ur team mates down. But on the other side you can always practise ur skills with someone else to catch up!

    Do what your instincts and heart are tellin you.

  5. Take a good nap during the day, and a good sleep tonight. Take some Tylenol if necessary, and I think you should be fine by "tomorrow".

    I would recommend that you just show up, tell your coach how you feel, and let him/her make a decision for you. The fact that you are asking this question here seems saying you want to go.

    If you think you could give the flu to your teammates, give them a warning, and you could be excused. The coach doesn't want to get sick either. But if your showing up can help the team, why miss it.

    My strategy against stress is to play more volleyball games.

  6. STAY HOME.  Regardless of how you feel, it isn't fair to your teammates to risk getting them sick.  Everyone's going to be passing the ball around, rubbing their sweaty faces, and chances are you're going to spread whatever you have.  I've gotten sick at least twice just from playing volleyball, now I make sure to carry purell with me every time so I can disinfect afterwards.

  7. I would not go to volleyball class. Just tell call your instructor and tell her you have the flu and you dont feel good. The worst thing that can happen if you go is that it makes you sick longer or your whole team will get sick because of you. I wouldn't want to carry that weight on my shoulders.......everyone would be mad at me.

  8. I would try and attend the practice, and not play, depending on how you are feeling. So atleast you are showing an effort and still have an idea of what plays and stuff are going on.But you don't want to over exert yourself and make you feel even worse, possibly causing you to miss more classes. I hope you feel better.

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