
If you have the same dream more then two times does it mean anything?

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for example a nightmare?




  1. Could very well. Depends on whether you pray or not? If you don't then it does and if you do then it wouldn't even happen once.


  2. depends r they dark cloaked ghostly looking figures?

  3. It depends on the dream, i used to dream total destruction and everytime it was really vivid, like the world, or London at least after a nuclear war, i had that dream many many times. I was told it was due to my not being completely happy with my life and represented displeasure. I no longer have this dreama and am a happy little bunny!!

  4. Well, it depends on what the nightmare is about.  It could be a sign.  Or it could be just something stuck in the back of your brain that doesn't mean a thing.  Alot of times when you have a dream you "think" that you had the dream again.  You feel that you are 100% positive that you had it twice, but really, your brain just makes it feel like it was repeated when it really wasn't.  But if you know for a fact that you did have the dream more than twice because you recorded it or told someone, then you should think about what it's about and try to solve that problem.

  5. yes theres a message in it that ur not getting but I wouldn't be able to give specifics unless I knew what u were dreaming about

  6. all dreams mean something. they are your personal mythology.

    if you mean if it's going to come true, no. it wont.

  7. IDK i have alot of the same dreams but usually it's just stupid like zooming in and out of a carpet. But if it seems real and it could actually happen i think it could mean something

  8. yes it means something. what was the dream about so i can help you

  9. no.

    its probably you had the dream, then you thought of it again the next night!

  10. Usually, all they mean is that something on your mind is bothering you, and it's manifesting in your dreams at night.

    However, they sometimes mean something different.  Read my answer in your question about dreams coming true.

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