
If you have to choose, what would you rather be; Catholic, Scientologist or atheist??

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I was raised as Catholic but I don't believe in it. I think their beliefs are crazy and stupid.. Just want to point that Catholicism and Scientology are just in the same crazy category..




  1. Raised as a Catholic, but it didn't take.  No supernatural stuff of any flavor for me.

  2. i would stab myself in the heart

    (have no belief/anti-belief)

  3. Athiest all the way lol

    but i do belivein re-incarnation.

  4. What I am now:  atheist.  It's the only one my rational conscience will allow.

    What you said about Catholicism I hear a lot.  We atheists should thank the Catholic church, they're one of the biggest creators of atheists.  :-)  (Though for the record I am not a former Catholic.)

    As for Scientologists, their beliefs are even weirder.  They're pretty much just a litigious cult who's fond of suing their critics.  Apparently they have to, since their beliefs aren't strong enough to stand on their own merits!

  5. athiest

  6. ATHEIST. Oh wait, I did have a choice and I chose atheist. Hmmm.... Although, you could argue that since Scientology doesn’t believe in a god, their beliefs ARE atheistic. Still, I understood what you meant.

    Atheism is the only sensible answer. God is a myth based on lies and folklore. The bible is a fiction so why believe in any of it.

    I war raised Catholic, made the move to Baptist and am now a antitheist. (An atheist that believes theism in all it's forms, that is any belief in god or the divine, is detrimental to humanity.)


  7. U got to be able to question everything and  to be able to get reasonable, truthfull and logical answers. As these sort of questions/answers  are frowned upon in religion you just have to be an Athiest in order to discover any meaning to life.

  8. A T H E I S T!!!!!!!

    Is that convicted enough...

  9. I was brought up a Catholic (Irish Catholic), I don't agree with or believe in the central tenants of Scientology, to me it's like a cult  and I lean towards Agnosticism.

    I guess I will be a 'death-bed' Catholic when I die. Hope it won't be to late by then.

  10. 8 years at a Catholic grammar school, 5 years at a Catholic university. Comfirmed atheist.

  11. None of them. I prefer a one-to-one direct relationship with God and without any label.

    Quality - that's the thing.

  12. I have thought for many years that humans were created, probably from something that already lived on this planet; by something.  There would be no need for humans to develop as we have, no other species has.  Darwin's rantings are "very" questionable, the opposing thumbs theory is also doubtful.  The religious texts are easy to disprove if you're not brainwashed by the promise of an afterlife.  I suppose I've given my answer.

  13. I would be Catholic because if you put all your bias aside and examine Catholic teachings with an open heart, they MAKE SENSE. Catholicism is to me the most beautiful and rational faith there is.

    (I was raised Protestant and converted to Catholicism.)

  14. Atheist (or I guess technically Agnostic)...and I agree with your point about Catholicism and Scientology being in the same category...just because one religion is older and therefore more socially acceptable, doesn't make it any closer to the truth.

  15. Catholic

  16. I was not exposed to the Catholic faith growing up, just what I saw on TV.  My best friends and myself were raised Protestant.  My friend who went to a Christian school often made fun of the Catholic faith and discredited it.  As I got older and mature I came to understand the bases of it and have a high respect for it.  I attended a Catholic service a couple of years ago at random one Sunday before I had to go to work.  I found it deeply spiritual, although I no longer claim any formal affiliation with religions.  

    Sorry it didn't work out for you, or maybe we have two different understandings of it.  If I absolutely had to I would choose to be Catholic.   Even thought I find that most atheist I know are former Catholics, I just think it is the secularization of society that influences people more so than faith, and Catholicism kind of opposes secular based societies.

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