
If you have two herds of cows .?

by Guest66800  |  earlier

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and one herd eats mostly on an hillside and the other herd eats mostly on flat ground, will the hillside cows be leaner?




  1. Holstrain frizian and Jersey cows are different and HF cows more milk than Jersey.


    Pravinchandra C.Patel

  2. Yes the cows on the hill will be leaner. They will also have one defect. One side of the cow will have shorter legs.

  3. LEANER!!! HA! Very clever.

    Know what they call a cow with no legs?

  4. yes they have more exorcise

  5. As long as both herds have plenty of room to move around freely both will get enough exercise so I doubt that you can tell much difference in them.  If you are around checking on them every day, you will likely benefit from running around on the hills and be a leaner and more healthy person.

  6. Only in as much as the cows on the hill will have to lean over to remain upright!

    In reality there are too many variables to give a definitive answer. for example, slope of hill, aspect of hill, quality of forage, breed of cow etc!

  7. I think so. I keep my horses these days on a hillside, and it's much easier to keep them slim than when they were on a flat field. Good question. They certainly have more muscle, and muscle takes more energy to form than fat and is less bulky. Ask a hill farmer.

  8. to some extent, i agree. the more animals to move, the less fat they become. You'll see it in their loins and legs. But comparing the ones on the hillside and the ones on the flat ground, i think, not much difference because both were moving and not stagnant, considering that both herds were eating the same grass/plants.

  9. i would tend to think they would be leaner with increase muscle tone from having to climb the hill  very good question

  10. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmm...

  11. Nope.

    Mother Nature gives no extra points for stupidity.

    Good question though.

  12. Yes, I reckon. Grass on hillsides tends to be of poorer quality than that on low ground for 2 possible reasons. Firstly, a lot of the good topsoil and nutrients are washed down the hill into the valley. Secondly, the greater the altitude the cooler it is and plants grow more slowly, as you can see if you go onto the moors. The best grazing is on water meadows (when not flooded). So the cows on the hill have poorer quality grass and use more body heat in keeping warm. Cows don't move around much so the exercise in going up and down the hillside won't make much difference .

  13. The ones farther from water will be leaner.

  14. are so funny.  And I bet insteasd of the lead cow being named Bossie, she'll be Eileen, right?

  15. The one on flat ground would be skinnier since the hillside would block it's light or naturally it would eat grass that recives even amounts of light. Where as on the sloped land it is all reciving diffrent amounts of nutrients and the body has to have room to adapt to it all.

  16. you exactly seems to be more interested in the energy level of cows.however first will be more active.

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