
If you have worked for the Union Pacific?

by Guest45189  |  earlier

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If you have worked for the Union Pacific Railroad in the past in a training status, however, you were not accepted, do you have any chance of ever being hired again? I want my job back, but, I was never offered an appeals process nor was I there long enough to join the Union. My dad is a local chairman for BLET but he says he can do nothing. How can I get my job back? What do I Do?




  1. I understand BNSF is a better road to work for.  I know some UP folk and not a few of them say it is just not fun.  These are engineers and conductors.  Good Luck.

  2. Not even God can help you.  Count yourself lucky you weren't accepted and seek employment with another carrier.

    You must keep in mind that even if accepted, there is a 90 day probation period, often called the "derail", wherein a rail employer can terminate anyone's employment without a formal investigation or even proffering a reason.

    I am a BLET member, however my association with the BLE dates back to 1973.  What Division is Dad associated with?  I have been a member of Locals 415 and 425.

  3. Why weren't you accepted? Were you late all the time? Did you not do a good job? You have to be more specific before I can help you.

  4. I know that in the mechanical dept. (where I work) during your probation period your application may be rejected at any time (that is, you can be terminated) without reason or recourse.

    I know that transportation is different, but during training they don't even need a reason. It may be as simple as your attitude, how well you pay attention, or being easily distracted.

    Again, they don't need a reason. reapply, or apply at a different rail.

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