
If you have young kids do you sleep ok when they are not at home?

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My 6.5 year old is spending the night at his friends house and he has before. I know my best friend, who is the mom of the friend, would never let anything happen to him with intent but I can't sleep! Whenever he is gone I spend the majority of the night awake! There is just something about him being at home.




  1. I'm the same way.. even with my eldest who is almost 12yo.  I know the parents of my kids' friends very well and trust them .. but .. I still don't sleep well when the kids are gone.  It's normal (I keep telling myself). lol

  2. I worry too...even when my kids are with grandparents, or even sometimes away with their daddy. I've learned to just say a quick prayer, and know that the Good Lord has them in His hands.

  3. I still find myself getting worried about her when she is not at home its a maternal thing and it will never end

  4. You have speration anxiety.  Just try to relax.

  5. My grandson lived with me for four years. His mom and dad has taken him home now. It's been a year and a half and I still cant sleep wondering how he is doing. I know that he is still homesick for us...the grandparents...and he doesn't understand why he went home, even to this day...sigh...  It's still the same principle as all of  you parents...We are built in worry warts I suppose...

  6. anxiety

  7. its normal to feel like this. the only one i ever trusted to keep my son over night was my parents but i worried sick about my child. i was consumed with what if's. what if he wakes up scared, what if he falls out of bed. what if he gets homesick, what if he crys and no one hears him. i think subconsciously, you dont trust the caregiver. lets face it, nobody takes care of YOUR child better than you do. not your best friend, not your parents, sometimes not even your spouse or baby's father. relax, know your child is safe and tell yourself that you need the rest and break from being mommy for 1 night.

  8. I agree with you 100% Friday night my kids was away at there friends spending the night and my Husband had to work that night.I was all alone and I feel lost,I wake up and hear things or imagine there is someone in the house.When my kids re home I feel safe and can sleep like a baby.Just wait it gets worse,I could never go to sleep when my son was on a date or out with friends.

  9. I know what you mean when ever my daughter stays at her grandparents house me and my husband both have a hard time sleeping . we just watch movies and try to relax until we fall asleep. the very first time she spent the night out we slept in her bed how pethatic is that.

  10. I understand completely! Even when my kids are at my mom's I call and check. When my kids are with there dad, I worry too. I am a worrier!

    But this is part of them growing up.

    Good Luck

  11. It is not ok to let your young kids spend nights away from your home.It is you who know them better than your friends.We should know everything has boundary and we should know where the beacons are.

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