
If you haven't payed for your internet, will your computer still connect to the router?

by  |  earlier

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I just moved into my uncle's house, but he won't be here until tomorrow. There's a router that can be turned on, and there's a green light on "Power" and there's a flashing green light on "DSL" but not on anything else.

When I go to View Wireless Networks, the internet from that router appears there, and I can connect to it. But when I go to an internet browser absolutely no pages load.

Is this because my uncle didn't pay for the internet?




  1. Yes. If the DSL light is flashing that means you don't have a signal from the internet provider.

  2. ASP Tutorials-

  3. The router IS NOT the internet. It's simply a box to divide the internet up into about 5 different jacks so that you can have a "network" setup ............the router has nothing to do with the internet.......     You must plug your cable/dsl modem into the router, then you will have internet access.

  4. yes, the router will be still available for you, but it won't connect to the internet.

  5. What you are looking at is not a router - it's the DSL modem.  You are probably connecting to a neighbor's router, and the signal is just strong enough to connect, but not enough to browse.

  6. That's exactly right - you don't pay your bill by a certain date, your Internet provider will cut off your access.  A computer geek can hack into the 'net, but he or she WILL be caught, and charged with theft of services - and socked with a fat fine and jail time.

  7. Possibly... if you haven't paid, they've probably disconnected it.. the router can be use for a lan, ie, in house network, but, not to get to the internet, unless, of course, there is someone close by who has an unsecured wireless, at which time, you COULD piggyback.. but, that IS tantamount to theft..

  8. The flashing green light means the DSL connection is down.  If it was working, it would be solid green.  Your computer will be able to connect to the router, but the router can't connect to the internet.

    If he hasn't paid the bill, it is reasonable to think they might have turned it off.  If he has paid the bill, it could be a technical problem.  Their tech support would be able to help you with that.

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