
If you hear crickets, what does that mean?

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If you hear crickets, what does that mean?




  1. The temperature is changing...I'm not sure if that means it's rising or falling.

  2. omg people don't answer if you don't know

    this answer is 100% TRUE

    crikets chirp because they rub the end of there wing against the other, on one side there are little teeth and the other a hard surface, the results are chirping sound, similair to running your finger against a comb

    they DO it to attract a femal during mating season

  3. it means that there are crickets outside

  4. It means that there are some male crickets around

    who are calling out to female crickets.  

    (for mating purposes)

  5. I dont no but in India when im sleeping i always hear them.

  6. Um, hello people, when you hear crickets it means no one got what you were saying.  For example, if you are a comedian and you hear crickets after your so-called punchline, people didn't get or appreciate your joke.

    As in:

    "Why did the chicken cross the road?

    The chicken didn't cross the road, she was chicken."

    Crickets, crickets.

  7. It means crickets are present.

  8. It is SUMMER!

  9. It`s dark

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