
If you hire a mover (few college students) and someone gets injured during the move, can they sue you?

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If you hire a mover (few college students) and someone gets injured during the move, can they sue you?




  1. That would depend on where you are,  In the US everyone sue's everyone for anything.

    In Canada, unless you did something to cause the student to be injured like leave something burried in the grass that the kids could run over on purpose, or if you let them use your equipment instead of their own and it falls apart and harms them then yes.

    If you don't, then no, you can't be sued.

    That's why you should never lend your tools (like dollys in this case),  to anyone, if they get hurt while using them they can sue you, if they are using their own they can't.

  2. It depends on how they want to be about it...example if you are paying them cash and they have no proof that you paid them, there is not much they can do...if it was a personal check they can prove that you paid them however if they claim that, I believe they would have to report that money and at the end of the year would be responsible for the taxes. Do they work for a company? If so the company would probably have insurance on the employees, it depends so much on the specific circumstances.

  3. I am not an attorney but work in an attorneys office. I think that you need to make sure they have their own liability insurance and have them show you a copy. I used movers too many times, students too, they did a pretty good job,no problems, but if they show you liability insurance papers you wont have to worry.!

  4. Yes they can sue,because they were working for you

  5. If the movers did not work for a company which had their own insurance, and the injury happened while in your employ, you are liable for such.  It happens all of the time with under insured moving companies, and individuals whom you hire could potentially file a claim with your home owners insurance, if you do not have home owners insurance, then yes you could potentially be sued.

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