
If you hit a deer at 30mph will it die?

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Me and some friends were driving and we hit a deer at 30mph and it was like flipping on the front of our van. It hit the ground hard after that! I was wondering if you think it died? I said it prolly did but my bf thinks it lived! What do you think?




  1. Yeah.. by now its probably dead.

    It might not have died right away but shortly afterwards.

  2. If it didn't die then, it died from hypothermia in someone's freezer

  3. If u didnt see blood most likely still alive

  4. ask him to try on you once; to make sure; u will die or not.

  5. If I grabbed a metal bat and hit you in the face with it as hard as I could, would you die?

  6. yes it will die

  7. Its either dead.

    Or it is now.

    Result is the same.

  8. I would think it died soon after. Has it occured to you that you may well have died as well

  9. Internal injuries probably will kill it, but deer can be resilient.

    In my mother's neighborhood is a deer that has only 3 legs -- it lost one in an accident and the critter is still around after 2 years.

  10. It may not be dead just after the hit but sooner or later it will die unless you take it to a vet immediately.

  11. my girlfriends horse was hit bar a car at about this speed and was killed so i would guess thay a deer wouldnt survive either

  12. You don't say if it jumped up and ran off but if your BF said he thinks it lived, we have to assume he did jump up and take off.

    I would also say that it depends on the angle from which it was hit, what size car, whether it had multiple fractures or if it sustained none at all. I would think if it broke a leg severely, it could die eventually or the laws of nature will take him by providing easy prey for the deer predators.

    Sometimes if the angle is just right, living things can sustain a huge whack and get up and just walk away. Like when you see insane police chases that end in huge wrecks and the person just stands up and walks (or in lots of cases RUNS!) away! The deer most likely got a huge rush of adrenaline and caused it to take off.

    One other thing, it seems like grazing type animals heal much quicker than carnivores. When I had horses, if they ever got cut, they seemed to heal in record time. Not so for my dogs.

  13. yah its dead

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