
If you hit the 8ball and the opponents ball in on ur 8ball shot, is it a loss?

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if u hit the 8ball in nd the opponents ball in is it a loss




  1. if u make a foul before or after hitting the 8 ball, and the 8 ball goes in it is a loss.  However i have played some guys that put the 8 ball back on the table and his opponent gets 2 shots.  Different guys play different rules

  2. If you hit the 8-ball in clean and hit your opponent's ball with the cue, after making your 8-ball, it is not a loss.

    If you hit your opponent's ball with the cue, before the cue hits the 8-ball in, that is not a clean shot and therefore a loss.

    If you hit any ball with the 8-ball before it goes in, that is a foul and a loss.

    Ernie - http://www.pool-and-pocket-billiards-res...

  3. what was the order of the balls going in

    and only when playing with 10 other guys that u dont know vs u and one other guy and 10 happens to be canadain military and ur in whitehorse yukon terr.  and u all very drunk.  that the only time i have heard of it being a lose if u sink the 8 first

    dude below me its not a foul to sink another ball as long as ur called shot goes in first.  

    may all your cues never warp


  4. Assuming the 8 ball went into the called pocket:

    If you hit the 8 ball first, you win.

    If you hit the opponent's ball first, you lose. (foul on the 8 ball)

  5. If you carom the 8 ball into another ball and they both go in you win as long as the 8 goes where you called it.

    If you call the 8 in the corner make contact and it goes in and the cue ball hits another ball which in turn goes in a pocket you win as well.

    If you hit the opponents ball first you lose.

    It does not matter which order the balls go in as long as you call the pocket for the 8 and you hit the 8 first.

    In Bar pool, aka straight in no slop, you would have to let the opponent know that you are hitting it in off his ball.  In APA or BCA it does not matter how it gets there as long as that's the pocket you called for the 8.

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