
If you inherited 10 million dollars, would you stay with your spouse?

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or do you think it would be time for an upgrade?




  1. Absolutely!  She was there for 'poorer' so I definitely want her there for 'richer'!

  2. I would definitely stay with my husband..i love him! and I would love to share our money and be happy with him and not have to worry about when i the paycheck coming? will it be enough for all the things we need to take care of this month? that really stresses our marriage. maybe i'll win the lottery one day

    oh wait, i never bought a lottery ticket b4..LOL

  3. It depends on how much it would cost to have her not talk so much.

  4. yes, I would stay with him.  I'm not with my spouse for monetary reasons and I wouldn't want someone who was only after me for my money.

    this is why some guys wind up with gold diggers who only care about what the guy can provide for them.  They are so fixated on image and how their relationship looks from the outside that they would dump the spouse who was with them for the hard times and struggles and "upgrade" for a Barbie doll  (or a Bratz doll if they like them S****y).  Ah well, I guess you get what you pay for.

  5. no, I'd find the highest bridge and the biggest bag of cement, and, well.......u figure out the rest!

  6. I would totally stay with my spouse!! He is the one that I love, Forever and a Day, For Better or for Worse, for RICHER or for Poorer. This would be a fantastic opportunity for US to get the things that WE want in life. A nice house, newer cars, college money for our kids, time off from work. Once you're married, you're one. It's all about the couple, not the person. Quit being so freakin' greedy!

  7. I'd stay with him. I'd most definitely upgrade our life style!! Woo Hoo!

  8. Yes, I would. We would pay off our house, get a coach bus and travel every summer when the kids are out of school.

    Oooh, man, we could have tons of fun with that kind of money!

  9. Definitely stay with her, she`s my everything. I would be very selective about hiring the poolboy though! lol

  10. I'd stay because there was a reason that I stayed before the money so why would that no longer be a good enough reason?  You cant buy love? At least you cant from most people.  But these days people are willing to sell their souls to the devil for a 20.00 gift card to Red Lobster. It's sad.

  11. I've already got the best.  No upgrade possible.

  12. I would only because I invested 11 yrs of my life toward the marriage. I guess I love him too. I know talk about corney! If you invested a lot into your marriage and you love your spouse then I hope you would stay too.Bye.

  13. Why would I mess up my perfectly good marriage for money? If anything I would want to enjoy the money with my hubby. We have been there for each other and I'm not gonna kick him to the curb for money. Sometimes money can mess up a good thing. You go out there thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Then before you know it you have spent all your money and the people you thought were there for you are suddenly gone. Guess who you try going back to.... Yea not gonna happen so remember your roots and stay true:]

  14. First of all, you can't upgrade when your wife is perfect for you.

    Second, I know I'm ignorant for saying this, but I can't imagine what having more money would have to do with whether or not one stays with his spouse.  In the course of our marriage, we have gone from low income subsidized housing to middle class suburb, and the amount of money we have had (or not had) has never had any correlation to whether I want to be married to her.

  15. I have this dream every night Mammal.  Rebecca and I would run away from moo moo lovins' hungry grasp.   Why do you torture me so?

  16. I would absolutely stay with my husband and we would travel the world!  

  17. I would do as i do now have my cake and eat it to.

    We wouldn't want them to get her fat fingers on our money in the divorce now would we

  18. yes, and I would take him to a deserted island so I could have him all to myself.

  19. Yes. What do I need an upgrade for? I have the best husband for me. I don't want anyone else.  

  20. i would definately stay with her

    i would keep farmin

    she would stay till the money ran out

    then she would get mad and leave because of all the money i "wasted" on "that darn farm"

  21. yep.  I don't think a million dollars would change me much.  Not to mention it may be hard to snag a new man with the 6 kids and all.

    c**p I bet I could afford one h**l of a nanny though!  lol

  22. yeah i would stay with my husband.  i love him hes my bestfriend.  

  23. Sadly - no.  I would give him his half (only fair) and send him on his way.  No up grade for me - just some peace and happiness.

  24. yes i would stay with him if i still love him while i have the money.

  25. I would still stay with my husband .But , would most defiantly upgrade the house and vehicles etc.  I think the best part would be I would lavish my husband and kids of things they always wanted .Money doesn't last forever thou r. But , I would certainly make the best of my fortune.

    Have a good day.  

  26. i wouldnt stay with him either way! lol

  27. Ok, the real answer lies within you. If your already having marital problems and was looking at getting out anyways (before the money) then either, move on (which your spouse will prob. get part of that money) or use that money to help rekindle that love you once had. Hope all goes good for ya.  

  28. I always thought you married for love not money, but I guess thats too old school now. Yes I would stay with my husband.

  29. Yes i would stay as i love my wife very much but we would be having a new address. LOL

  30. Yup, he's the other half of me!

    Would spend the money together, doing what makes OUR family happy...

  31. I'd stay with my spouse, but hire a personal trainer since we need to get in shape :(

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