
If you join your state's high-risk insurance pool, are you considered to be recieving public assitance?

by  |  earlier

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No, I am not talking about medcaid or medicare. If you don't know what a high-risk insurance pool is, plz don't answer the question. Ty!




  1. It depends on the state.  Most states, the high risk pool IS subsidized by the state taxpayers, so that WOULD be a form of public assistance - however, because YOU are paying a premium (and quite a premium, in some states) it's not "Public Assistance" like Medicaid or Welfare.  

    So it's the difference between the general noun, and the proper noun.

  2. Generally speaking, the high risk insurance pools are NOT public assistance, because you are paying out the wazoo for the coverage you are receiving.  Public assistance generally means you are receiving help to pay for something you can't afford.  In this case you are paying out the wazoo while the state is offering something that under normal circumstances would not be available to you for reasons other than financial.

    Good luck to you!

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