
If you jokingly dared your new guy to model one of your silky pink chemises and matching undies and he did?

by  |  earlier

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would you think this was a positive development or negative and how do you think you would have reacted?




  1. I would have laughed till i cried, lol.

  2. Oh mah gosh I would rip them off and do him on the spot!!! : p

  3. I would think he has a great sense of humor and very confident in himself as a man.

  4. i would sream and run a way

  5. he might be g*y if you rally want to find out try putting something up his rear end next time you two have s*x if he goes for it there a good chance he might like some meat in those buns

  6. I agree...It means he has a great sense of humor, or he is very strange. :]

  7. I'd think it was pretty funny.  It wouldn't bother me at all.

  8. At the least, it would be so hilarious!  At the most, we just discovered something that turns us on.

    In the end, I am looking for someone who is comfotable in who they are.  If you were comfortable about who you are, it wouldnt bother you to do it as a joke, or admit that it turned you on.

  9. Sounds pretty hilarious to me.

  10. I would LAUGH, OMG!! This shows he is sure of his masculinity and doesn't take things too seriously. Especially if you dared him to do it and he did, it just shows he's got a sense of humor. I don't see this as a negative thing at all, quite the opposite...This is only bad if you catch him wearing your clothing while he's alone! In most cases though, I think a guy would just do it to be silly. My bf did something similar on a dare for Halloween and dressed up as a chick, makeup, clothing, wig and everything. He is as normal and heterosexual as a guy can get. It was seriously a riot and everyone thought it was hilarious including the guys!

  11. Stop worrying and enjoy the fact that he'll do anything for you.

  12. Definitely a positive development!  You have a great guy with a sense of humor.  Enjoy it!  

    How would i have acted?  I would have laughed my butt off, gotten the camera and probably snapped a couple of pics.  

    Congrats.  You've got a keeper!

  13. y would it be a development? it was just done in fun right? now if he starts volunteering to put it on then u have a problem. i would have laughed...its funny, it was a dare...i wouldnt have taken it any more serious than that

  14. negative

  15. that's good, it means he can joke around and cares about what you want him to do i guess

    or he could like wearing girls panties

  16. Negative... this guy? has problems

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