
If you jumped off a moving plane without a parashoot, would you die before you hit the ground??

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Moving plane, 50,000 feet in the air.




  1. Not if you aim for a Church Steeple.

  2. Only if you get hit by the plane... remember, it's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop when you make contact with something hard, such as the ground.

    Hitting the ground is what causes the injuries that kill people from falls...

  3. i have no knowledge in this subject but i would guess that the fall would kill you, not the impact but the actual falling. either that or the shock of knowing that you just jumped 50,000 feet without a parachute... you can die of such a shock right there.

  4. Yea...

  5. You most likely would pass out from lack of oxygen. If you were lucky you would stay that way until you hit the ground. You would probably die about the same time you hit the ground.

  6. you'd have to shoot the parachute out at the right time ....obviously not when your right at the ground...the whole purpose is to slow you down so you land safely

  7. Yes, suffocated by no oxygen.

    And if you are still consious, they say you get a heart attack just by freaking out.

  8. No but you would die once you hit the ground because of the force of the gravity and weight would be uneven for air resistance

  9. At 50,000 feet you would die before hitting the ground.  The air pressure is extremely low at that altitude and you'd die from lack of oxygen in a matter of seconds.  If you fell from from a lower altitude, say 20,000 feet or less, and there would be nothing to kill you before you hit the ground.

  10. yes

  11. In addition to suffocation, you would would freeze to death.

  12. It's possible.

  13. Yes.

    You would either freeze to death, or die of asphyxia (lack of oxygen) before getting to a reasonable height to be able to breathe.

  14. Yeah, the lack of oxygen knocks you out.

  15. 1 way 2 find out- but you'd surely lose consciousness first

  16. you would either suffocate or have a heart attack before you hit the ground

  17. Yes, if you hit the plane below you.

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