
If you just got handed $1,000,000,000, what's the first thing you would go do?

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i have a series of questions and i want to have some points so i can ask them all, and if you say, why don't you just ask them all in one question in the details, i have a reason




  1. I'd thank whoever handed it to me and then I would try to get more money so I could move to Japan. Either that, or I would buy a laptop, a new cell phone, a digital tablet, and some software.

  2. Buy an electric rotating garage that you see on cribs and buy several supercars!

    then maybe slap the highest person I can find at work!!

  3. haven't thought  about it.


  4. Pay off my debt , get rid of the 2 cars I have and get more reliable ones, buy a decent house, give the parents a few bucks, and invest some and put the rest in cd's and savings.

  5. put the $500,000,000 in the bank

    and then spend the other $500, 000, 000 on another house and a new car.

    Pay my debts and that's all.

    Star for you.

  6. i'll question the sanity of person giving it to me  

  7. Pay the IRS their share and then take a trip overseas and open up a off shore bank account and deposit it and then invest it from there.

  8. 1. Store 300,000,000 in separate banks.

    2. Declare to the world that I am a billionaire

    3. Invest 700,000,000

  9. Use it to start more businesses that would employ people and make me more money.  I wouldn't want to have money and not feel like I didn't work for it.  I would set up charities that I thought made a difference with out all the red tape.  The charities would help others in poverty become self sufficient, for example I would give a job to someone that didn't have one.

  10. pay the irs, pay off my house and other debt, invest some and definately  pack my family up and move

  11. first, make my $380,000,000 estimated tax payment to the FEDs and $75,000,000 estimated tax payment to the state...

    Actually, if I paid the state first, then I could claim state tax as a tax deduction on my 2008 return saving a couple million bux...

    Anyway, then, i would put about 5 million away for my retirement, and then give a million each to everyone in my family (including distant cousins), then squander the rest on c**p I don't need.

    A billion bux and you, nor anyone you know, would ever have to work again.

  12. Wonder how I would transport it.

    1 million dollars in $100 bills weighs 22 pounds. One billion dollars would weigh 22,000 pounds...

  13. Go buy a bad@$$ Skeeter bass boat, and TONS of gas to keep in storage, for said bad@$$ bass boat.


  14. buy so many houses and cars(ferrari) i could'

  15. Give it to family and let them choose

  16. Invest 20,000,000 and live off the interest.

    Setup a foundation to give the rest away to charities that teach people how to "Fish"

    I remember a saying my dad told me many years ago:

    Give a man a fish, he is not hungry for a day, Teach a man to fish, he is not hungry for a lifetime.

  17. 100 million for donations..

    100 million to my relatives

    500 million in the bank..

    Buy a mansion..

    Go on a world tour with all my family and cousins families.

  18. Scream "I'm rich!" then go and give a million to an animal shelter :-)

    ....then go to the mall.....

  19. I would pay off my house and buy a new car large enough for me, my wife, and kids.

  20. Employ a tax attorney and an accountant.  Build hydrogen fueling stations across the country to boost the sale of fuel cell vehicles.

    Going through the answers does anyone notice the inordinate amount of answers that are self serving?  Not that I'm a saint or anything... I'd keep some for myself, but with a billion dollars you could make a REAL contribution to the world and still be "rich".

    Think bigger people, top my idea, shouldn't be hard.

  21. Purchase a coke and hot dog.

    Or maybe a corn dog.

  22. I would help some of my close family members out of financial problems and then I would buy me my dream house.  Wow, that would be so wonderful!

  23. invest

  24. Go shopping! Go on vacation! Give some to my family! Help animals the need it!


  25. grin like an idiot.  

  26. Put 30,000 away so I could go to college in NC.  

  27. Hire body guards.

    Then buy a puppy


  29. I think I'd probably cry a little bit and then start planning my next move which would be to pay off all debts so I can begin a new life w/ a clean slate.

  30. shopping in ca. then i would buy a neither dog, more shopping. then buy a manshin. then more shopping

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