
If you just one at 25 million dollar jackpot,what would you do right now?

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If you just one at 25 million dollar jackpot,what would you do right now?




  1. Well, if you won (not one) you should be able to afford to go back to school and learn how to spell.

  2. structure the assets to be protected from the frivolous law suits you may face in the future.

    create income streams.

    take care of people (family) close friends, and help charities all through the appropriate entities that would get slammed with extra taxes such as gift taxes.

    hire someone to take care of day-to-day stuff.

    hire an attorney (salaried) to deal with people.

    go to law school.

  3. well obviously I would invest it into some of my high rated business plans if you actually have that money and don't know how to invest it and need help give me an email and I'll share some of my business knowledge with you.. just don't go spending it on roulette in Vegas.. not a very good idea

  4. probably try my best ,mony not lost soon at least  

  5. First i would give every family unit in my family 1 million dollars, then  would finally realize my only dream and that is to have my very own home in the country with lots of land to play with. Then I would open a safe haven for abused animals and make sure I had the help I needed. Whatever was left over, I would invest.

  6. Pay off every bill I owe, buy my kids their own cars, have my in-laws a house built, and take a trip to Ireland. Oh and set up college funds for the kids and future grand-kids.

  7. Give my employer two weeks notice and plan the rest of my life.

  8. Not sure. However, if I "WON" 25 million I'd dance on the table.

  9. quit work and start planning my vacation  

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