
If you killed a blue whale exactlyhow much in lbs. you get of edible meat?

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also how long would it last if you eat it for supper everyday one a day




  1. haha eeh well if your talking about an average whale: 108000 kg so think about how many kg's you eat in a day. and divide it into 10000 and thats your answer. im sure you can eat most of the whale. lets say 800kg's are the wastage factor. im sure you could eat the rest. it prob wouldnt taste very good though

  2. Firstly,

    You cant eat the blue whale, its illegal.

    If you want to know the answer it depends on how much you consume. Lets say you eat 1kg at dinner. 108 tons whale. Take out the fat and the non edible parts, the insides and the baleen plates. Take out the oil and skin. I think you've taken out a third of the whale at minimum. 35 tons gone and 73 tons left. If you dont wanna eat the disgusting parts such as the tongue and eyeballs and stuff take out 3 tons more. Now you have to take out the bones and stuff. Your left with around 40 - 50 tons. Divide that by 365 and you get 109.589041 yrs for 40 tons and 136.986301 yrs for 50 tons. So your good for well over 100 years with 1 blue whale as long as it doesnt rot...

    Hopefully you dont go out there and kill an endangered blue whale, cuz you wouldnt be able to store all of it unless u sold it, and you would probably get imprisoned for poaching.

    Hopefully this helps.

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