
If you kiss someone with braces(and you have them too) and get stuck, how do you get unstuck?

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im just wonderin lol

oh and how often do you get stuck?!?!?




  1. I remember when i was young. Me and my ex both had braces. When we make out nothing got stuck but the thing is the braces bump against each other and they make noises. lol man.. i wish i was young again :\ . Anyways, you don't get stuck when you kiss someone with braces and you have them too.

  2. if you do get stuck.. your going to have to take an embaressing ride to the orthodontist... 8|

  3. i doubt you will get stuck

  4. be really careful, its possible and painful if you get stuck either your or theirs or both braces will suffer and pull apart is painful and you'll pop off brackets to get unstuck... so is a passionate kiss worth all that?

  5. why would ou want to get unstuck? ;)

    ummm but i would guess move your mouth around or something until it comes unloose.

  6. call swat. lol

  7. hahahhhahahahahha that made me laugh really hard!!!!!

    i guess u will need to go to the dentist and get un stuck lol

    hahahahahahha hope u enjoy that kiss lol

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