
If you knew a coworker that had a problem with really bad body odor would you tell them?

by  |  earlier

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I think it's a really difficult call to make because, on one hand, it may be rude to tell someone that but it's also rude to smell bad when people have to be around you and sometimes people may not be aware this problem is bothering anyone. Is there a way to go about it without embarrassing the person? Also if you were the one with the problem, would you want someone to tell you?




  1. You could always hedge around the issue and hope they get the hint if telling them is too hard.

    It'll still be pretty obvious so most people ought to figure it out, but both of you can still pretend that you aren't referring to anything.

    ex. "This is a weird question, but do you know what kind of deodorant works best? My sibling/cousin/friend/goldfish is using [insert brand] and s/he finds it really doesn't work... and s/he doens't like the kind I use/and s/he says the kind I use isn't very good for him/her either."

  2. if it was me, i would rather not be told outright, but maybe a subtle hind would be ok

  3. that happened once on this show called "what i like about you." lol.

    anyway, i agree with the first answer. tell them in private so they dont get embarrased. good luck!

  4. 1.I would not tell them, that is managements job.  You should go to them, if they haven't noticed they need to be informed so they can tell them. If you approach them it may simply cause an uncomfortable relationship between the two of you.  At my last job management approached a  co-worker about his hygiene 3 times and nothing changed.  The 4th time they sent him home from work and told him he either needed a doctors note or to fix his problem before he came back.  it was a much more pleasant working environment after that.  

    2. I would DEFIANTLY want someone to tell me, that way I could quit that job, re-evaluate my hygiene regiment, and start a new job where they stinky kid label could not follow me.

  5. It is rude to make people gag.  If they stink to high heaven darn right I will tell them about it.  Take them somewhere private and upwind and tell them they have a problem in polite terms.  

  6. I would, I have, and I would again.

  7. The person should be told when nobody else is present.. if it is a female co worker she definitely should not be told by a male .. a female should tell her and if it's a guy.. a male co worker should tell him in a diplomatic way... that he has body odor.. maybe the person will be grateful.. maybe he sweats a lot.. maybe he or she will now do something about it ..  so it's good to tell and amongst women one should mention it.. and say.. I know it's pretty hot.. you have some body odor.. maybe you should try a different deodorant.. I have seen a great one that really helps against sweat.. or buy her one if it's a new co worker.. if that helps ..she may be unaware and be grateful before the boss or other staff talk behind this persons back one should tell them to their face.. Nothing is cruder and crueller if this person perhaps sweats a lot and is unaware and then is laughed at behind his or her back.. it will make the person feel accepted and grateful to be told as long as he or she is told in a tactful way.. definitely one should tell them...and not when there is a crowd of people..  catch her or him on their own.. x*x

  8. If that coworker is offending the others with his/her body odor,then you should pull that person to the side and tell them discreetly about their odor. That way,they will not be embarassed and get their feelings hurt.

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