
If you knew that a coworker was having multiple affairs, would you tell his wife?

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My coworker is having affairs with at least two women, plus his wife! I know his wife, but I don't know her as in we go out. What would you do? Part of me just says ignore it, but part of me feels bad for her. What would should I do?




  1. MYOB!

  2. Do you seriously want to be the face that brings her the worst possible news she may have ever heard? Do you have solid proof or is it based on gossip and suspicion?

    If you do want to tell her do it anonymously. That way you won't have an enemy in the workplace and she will not always remember you as the one who told her the bad news.

  3. What u should do is mind your business.

    Sorry to sound so rude but , you dont want to get in the middle of that sticky mess.

  4. Sh**it I would want to know!!

    Despite what many people say, most of the time the wife is clueless!  So I would want someone to call me up!!

    But be careful it may blow up in your face.  But I know I would want to know!

  5. no, its none of my business, so i would stay out.

  6. Well, it's hard to insert yourself into someone else's marriage for your own guilty reasons.  Question, would you want to know if you were her.  I think most people would.  This man is a coworker, so depending on where you both stand on the food chain at work, would you be jeopardizing your job by starting something?  There's a lot of questions you have to ask.   I personally, would want to know, but they may have a marriage where they don't want to know.  I believe in karma.  Just sit back,  he'll get his, it's almost guaranteed.

  7. Coming from a wife that knows something is going on, but doesn't have any proof. I would want to know. Call her anonymously. She will appreciate it and you will have a clear conscious

  8. Sometimes, the wife (or husband) already knows.  Unless she asks you directly, I would stay out of it.  

  9. ignore it and feel bad for her.  Don't allow him to put you in a position where you have to cover for him.

    If you aren't her relative or close personal friend then stay out of it.  You really don't know what kind of arrangement or understanding they have.  She may be able to ignore his infidelities as long as he doesn't rub her nose in it.  She may be totally clueless.  The point is, you don't know either of them well enough to know what exactly is going on.

    the other reason to stay out of it is you have to work with him.  He's the one you have to see everyday and he's the one you have to deal with.  Add to the mix:  is there any possible way that this guy could ever have a position of power over you in the work place or that you could be required to work with him or have power over him?  then you've made an enemy who will sabotage you at every turn.

    in general, unless you are dating them--stay out of your co-workers' personal business.

  10. i wish someone would have told me but i had to find out on my own and that made it an even more uncomfortable situation for me knowing it was happening and not getting closure on the whole situation.

  11. I don't think you should say anything, let it be! He will eventually get caught! You'll be stuck in the middle if you do!

  12. MYOB. It doesn't concern you. She picked him. It could end up costing you your job if it gets too sticky at the office. Since you barely know the woman, I would ignore it. She probably wouldn't believe you anyway.

  13. nope none of my buisness :)

  14. Gee, all kinds of thoughts come to mind. First, would I want someone to tell me? Is it my business? Whether its my business or not, is it my place or is it fair enough for me to say something?  

  15. one of my ex co-coworker used to date three guys in our work place . everyone knew . she was married at the time with three kids , she was 25. guys used to date her just for the heck of it. as a woman i used to feel really, really baad and felt the same way you re feeling right cause her hubby was very nice and kind to her . but i dint say anything to him though we were pretty close like giving each other rides sometimes . her hubby finally cought her in the parking lot hving s*x in the back of their Caddilac . when things got i was glad i wasnt the one to let him know . so LET THEM BE

  16. my co worker is married and has like 3 girlfriends and i only know his wife from when she calls in.i would never tell her anything cause its not the right situation or the right place and I'm not close to her.only if it was my close friend.if i were you i would just leave it alone because that is a can of worms you don't want to open and then be dragged into a huge mess. it could even cost you your job if he gets angry at you and makes up things to cause problems for you.just stay away from him and you will be fine.

  17. maybe..I'm chicken I'd go and ask someone else to do it.

  18. No. The wife may already know.

  19. Stay out of it, he'll get caught sooner or later and you should not be in the middle of the uproar.

  20. Don't tell her!!

    Take my advice don't get involved with that when you aren't very close to her because she might think you are sleeping with him too!!!!!!!!!!

  21. I think I would try the "Blackmail" route first.....but hey, that's just me!

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