
If you knew that after the next 30minutes you'd never have electricity ever again, what would you do?

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If you knew that after the next 30minutes you'd never have electricity ever again, what would you do?




  1. Play Final Fantasy until the end.

  2. Go buy 5748392574893275849032543827584327589430 candles and buy food that cannot go to waste like canned food etc

  3. ...puchase all the candles and matches and go into business...

    ...purchas a couple of generators...

    ...go to the butcher discount meat...

    ...go the police dept for traffic situation... all my business by phone...

  4. Charge all my batteries and electronic devices and run to home depot for some solar panels before they were sold out!!!!!!!!

  5. assuming creating my own electricity is forbidden, i would queue up a bunch of important stuff i want off my computer. cook a bunch of stuff that's in my fridge and freezer like someone else said. go and buy alot of cigarette lighters. try and record alot of my music on some manual turntable typed thing, maybe in some wax, i'd try to get alot of wax, set my pendulum clocks and get as much candles or oil lamps as possible. i guess i'd have to delegate some of that cause i only have 30 minutes.  

  6. Play video games for 30 minutes. Then enjoy enjoy a terrifying dive off my building.

  7. I assume that generators and whatnot aren't allowed, otherwise what's the point of this question?

    I'd call my parents in AZ and tell 'em that I love 'em and I hope to see them soon.  Pretty much the same for all my family members who are out of state.  I would make these calls while racing to Sportsman's Warehouse to max out every credit card I have on guns and ammo.  I know quite a few people wouldn't be able to handle the transition smoothly.  Once the ugliness was over I'd organize the other engineers I work with to harness the rivers in town to provide mechanical energy for things like grinding flour, and helping the community to peacefully switch over to an agrarian lifestyle.

  8. My whole life has been based on adjusting, improvising. So that is what I would do.

  9. Thrive. Get to know my family again. Restore my inner rhythms to that of the seasons. Sit outdoors and listen to birds, the wind, neighborhood kids. Have so much more time...without YA.

  10. cry. its friggin hot in las vegas! id die mann

  11. cook and eat everything in my fridge!

  12. Jump in front of a bus.

  13. Charge my cell & mp3 to the max. Go buy 5985325605006202300000000000000000000 candles & batteries. Call everyone I know and. . . . . . . . . . . .  take an extremely long hot shower since electricity will not be able to produce warm showers. : (

  14. By every battery in Walmart.

  15. panic

  16. Go to the camping store and but a shitload of stuff then get money out of the bank, and buy alot of groceries???


    then go camping and like set up my own little town with friends and family in the bush near a creek or lake and plant vegies and create our own little sustainable town


    what would you do>?

  17. Call my family abroad since all types of telecommunication devices depend on electricity one way or another.

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