
If you knew your child was going to be disabled would you abort?

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Down syndrome, etc




  1. In complete honesty, yes. I was 27 weeks pregnant and my stomach was not hard- you could see the vague outline of the baby- and through ultrasound they determined and showed me that the baby had no kidneys, no lung,bladder or stomach development and no amniotic fluid was being produced because of it. My doctors who I trusted implicitly, strongly suggested abortion because the baby would be born and die soon after in terrible pain and there was increased chances for infection and problems for me if I tried to carry to term. I had such a terrible time coming to terms with this and visited a mom and baby that had the same problem (it's called renal agenisis)  and the poor baby was swollen and yellow and miserably near death. She told me to end it now while the baby could stay between me and God.

    So I did. I got pregnant again just 2 months later and my wonderful son was born healthy and happy and renewed my faith that I had done the right thing.

    With my 3rd and 4th children they wanted me to have amnio because I was in my 30's but I refused. I allowed ultrasound for obvious problems for information only.  A disability they could actually live with was not something I needed to worry about! I would love them no matter what. As I love my little boy angel baby that I protected from 72 hours of sheer agony then death.

  2. Absolutely not. Some of the happiest people I know are disabled, and they have taught me so many great things about life. Disabled people deserve a chance at life, just like the rest of us.

  3. Absolutely not, that's just like asking if someone you love became brain damaged or disabled, would you kill them? I think that everyone should be given a chance.

  4. I became partially disabled at 20 y/o and 100% disabled 8 years ago when I was 57 y/o. Would you have murdered me when I was 20?

  5. It would depend on the level of the disability, Downs Syndrome No I wouldn't abort because Downs child can still lead a in dependant life with some support, but if the child was severely brain damaged etc then yes I would

  6. Definitely not!  In fact I have a good friend who was told her baby would have several problems - he had a rare genetic disorder (they found out through amnio) and the doctor suggested she consider abortion.  She didn't and she now has a beautiful and healthy 6 year old.  He does have a genetic disorder but he is not deformed and has no major problems.  So in her case the doctors were wrong.  It happens!

  7. Not at all. Every child is a blessing despite any abnormality. It's disgraceful to abort an unborn life on such shallow circumstances as those. What if we were deformed, abnormal, etc.? Our mothers were considerate enough to breathe life into our bodies, should we not have the same love & consideration?

  8. NO!!! I could not live with myself if I knew I was the one who decided that he or she would die.  I would think losing your baby, no matter how 'disabled' he or she was, would be the most heart breaking thing ever.  I've known friends who had miscarriages and they were devastated for years afterwards and it wasn't even their own fault.  

    How twisted can a person be to think they can have their baby killed and justify it?

  9. It depends on the severity of the disability.  Down syndrome, mild retardation... nope.  However, if the child would have no quality of life and would be an INDREDIBLE hardship on the existing family (spousal relationship and other children) then I would have to say yes.  I'm talking very little, to no, brain activity.

    I say this having never been faced with this decision, so I probably would be extremely torn having to make that kind of chose.  A lot depends on the type of people directly involved with the resulting child.

  10. h**l no. I believe we are given the children we have for a reason!

  11. NO WAY!! My cousin was told her baby had Downs and she worried the last 3 months of her pregnancy and had a perfect baby with NO problems. Those test are not always accurate and     a baby is a true gift from God no matter what!

  12. it would depend on the disability, if it would cause the baby to be in pain all his or her life then i would( i couldnt handle knowing my baby was in pain all the time and that i was the one who caused it), but otherwise no i wouldnt.

  13. h**l yes why the h**l are you even asking

  14. no. never.

  15. Nope. A child is still a blessing, disabled or not.

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