
If you knock on a person's gravestone will they haunt you?

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I'm just wondering because that's what I'v grown up hearing... so I never did it. But is it true? or just an urban legend?




  1. Why would you knock on a gravestone?

    I've never heard of that.  I don't know.

    I would guess it's false.  If it were true or a popular legend, I'm sure I would've heard some campfire story about it or something by now...I mean, I studied folklore in college, I've read a lot of it...never heard that one.

    So I'm gonna say no.

  2. Try meditating on a grave !  

  3. Well, if it was a family member/friends gravestone it may make you fell like you've like, alerted them that you're there... But if you were just knocking a random persons gravestone then even though it wouldn't make the spirit haunt you, it's still a bit disrespectful in my opinion...

  4. well if i was a ghost and i saw you doing that i probably would lol. but theres no rule that says they have to.

  5. who knowz if itz true or not??? all i kno iz i dont take ani chancez! lyke if i point at a gravestone or one of those little funeral carz, people tell me 2 bite my finger. Why? who knowz. ive also heard not to call a gravestone pretty cuz they say dat nothing iz pretty about death so they say 2 say a gravestone is nice, but if therez nothin pretty bout death, then watz nice about it??? i would love 2 kno if itz true or not myself!!!

  6. only if they knock back.  why would you knock on a gravestone, to see if anybody's home ??????

  7. I have touch hundreds of gravestones and I am still here. That's PHONY BALONY!!!

  8. yes

    so make sure you knock on the gravestone of someone nice

  9. if you kindly do I sure it wont haut you. if you make it really mad MABE

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