
If you knock on someone's door, and they don't tell you to leave, is it trespassing?

by  |  earlier

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If you knock on someone's door, and they don't want to speak with you, but they don't tell you to go away, in fact they don't even come to the door or say anything. Can they call the cops and claim trespassing? Even though you were not warned?

This is in Florida.




  1. If it were trespassing, there would be hundreds of Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses in jail.

  2. Trespassing or harassment are both viable options!

  3. no

  4. If you are on someone's property and are still there when the police come, you will most likely be warned for trespassing.

    If you have been warned by the police before, or there are other complaints about what has occurred since you have been on the person's property, you could be arrested.

  5. If someone is avoiding you that much, have some pride and give up!

  6. yes

  7. If there is a sighn that says no trespassing violaters will be prospected then it is some consider it but id wait about 30 secs (the average latest someone answers the door) to a min then walk away. if not and they dont want you, u still wouldnt want cops to get into it. it also depends on the person.

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