
If you know anything about GREEK MYTHOLOGY PLEASE COME HERE!?

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hello im writting a paper for school and i got stuck when i came to ask my self......about the certain kinds of heros they had...for example they had heroes of journey, can any one give me an example of a heroe of journey in greek mythology...please i am in despert help

Also can anyone give me an exmple of a hero who was a great leader, i was thinking zeus but then again i was saying to my self would he be considered a great leader becuase of all the women he slept with and the fact that he cheated on his wife previous times....

can u please help me with either one if you can...thank you very much!




  1. Zeus is a great leader. He rebelled against the Titans and banished them into the underworld.

  2. hercules(a.k.a heracles) maybe, i'm not so sure

  3. 1) Odysseus

    also Hercules ( but Hercules might be Roman , not Greek. Be sure to check)

    2) i would pick Apollo as a leader, but i can't think of any stories to justify this.

  4. Jason and the Argonauts. The story of the Golden Fleece

    Good Luck

    edit: hope you weren't looking for a detailed answer.

    well this is a push in the right direction.

  5. Odysseus is a good choice for a hero of journey. The best source for Odysseus is Homer's Odyssey. He would also work as a eader, but the focus for him is certainly on the journey.

    For a leader, I would say Jason. A good source for Jason is the Argonautika (also spelled Argonautica). Again, he would also work for a journey.

    Theseus could also easily work for both. He journeyed from Troezen to Athens as a youth, performing a number of deeds along the way, and was later king of Athens. Unfortunately as far I know there is no one comprehensive source of Theseus' deeds, so you would have to work a little harder to find sources. I know the lyric poet Bacchylides addresses his youthful deeds in Poem 18, though.

    Zeus would not be an appropriate choice (nor would Apollo, for that matter) since he is a god, not a hero. The same goes for Apollo.

    And for all of these characters in Greek myth, not just Zeus, 'great' is a questionable adjective anyway, since every one of them had negative aspects to his story as well.

    A good starting source is Barry B. Powell's Classical Myth.

  6. Odyssius-journey

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