
If you know anything about Transnational Corporations can you please answer this ??

by Guest32869  |  earlier

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Can you please help to answer this question?

Using examples how do TNC's (Transnational Corporations) exploit workers in developing countries?

By the way, im not a big fan of geography.

I hate it. lol




  1. it's about how the company will sell the product for so and so amount eg: Converse will sell pair of shoes for $40 in the store, but the person who works in the sweat shop in asia only earns 50c a day for doing all the hard work making the actual shoes, same with coffee farmers in africa and south america - the companies get all the profit, yet here are all these farmers working their asses off just to make a few dollars a week to survive - it's pretty unfair huh? in other words, TNC's in general are just greedy B**tards.

    they'll exploit the people in 3rd world countries because there aren't too many laws that give a minimum wage, or give you rights as an employee in that country... so that enables the TNC to  underpay the worker as much as they want for their own profit without getting in trouble ....  if they tried getting away with paying employees only 50c a day in the US, they'd get in some real big **** with the law. you should be thankful to have these laws where you live.

    hope this helps :)

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