
If you know french can you do this?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know another language my great grandma and my great great grandma was french so that made me interested so if you do please do this merci = welcome




  1. Animals:

    Le serpent = snake

    Le Chat = cat

    Le poisson = fish

    Le chien = dog


    Vous De'sirez? = What do you want?

    Vous Avez = Do you have

    Tu aimes = Do You like

    J'aime = i really like

    Je naime pas = i don't like

    Chez toi = At your place

    Chez Moi = At my place


    Amusant = funny

    Interresant = interesting

    actif = active

    mignon = cute


    Blanc = white

    bleu = blu

    brun = brown

    gris = grey

    jaune = yellow

    noir = black

    orange = orange

    rose = pink

    Rouge = red

    vert = green

    violet = purple


    Usefull Words

    Oui - yes

    non - no

    et - and

    ou` - where

    ici - here

    la-bas = over there

    au numero - at number... (address)

    la rue - street

    Comment tu t'apelles? = What is youre name?

    Je m'apelle .... = My name is ....

    madame = woman

    Monsoir = man

    Mademoselle = girl

    Bonjour = good day

    bonsoir = good day (afternoon)

    bonne nuit = good night

    Cava? = how are you

    Cava bien = I'm fine

    Pas tres bein - not so good

    merci = thankyou

    salut = hi

    Au revoir = bye

    a bientot = see you soon

    Talking about yourself:

    Moi - me

    Je suis - i am

    J'habite - i live...

    some q's:

    Tu habite ou? - where do you live?

    tu t'appelles comment? - what is your name


    Aie - ouch

    oh la' la' -

    ah bon - really?

    Oh pardon - Pardon

    Je suis desole - im sorry

    if you want more email me!!! -

  2. Okayyy...So what's your question? You make no since...Merci isn't welcome either...It's thank you...

  3. Here are some additional greetings as well.

    Merci -  thank you

    De rien - you're welcome  

    Merci beaucoup - thank you (extremely thankful, very much)

    Bienvenu(e)-  welcome

    Au revoir - good bye

    À bientôt - see you soon

    À tout à l'heure - see you later (as in the same day)

    Bonne nuit - good night    

    Adieu  - farewell

    Bonsoir - good evening

    Salut - bye or hi

    À la prochaine - until next time

    Bonjour - good morning / good afternoon

  4. Merci means Thankyou.

    De rien means You're welcome

    Bienvenu(e) means (just) Welcome.

    I don't understand your question, what is it that you wanted to ask?

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