ok, so just yesterday i decided to myself that i would buy a blender for whatever reason. i never made a smoothie before in my entire life so i made a good guess as to how i would go about doing it and it went somthing like this...
milk, rasberry, blue berry and ICE :) ~ it stank, and it tasted awful.
so my second attempt was sprite, rasberry, and blue berry, and peach (the items were also not frozen)...(no ice) .............................and i mean it was ooookkkkaaayyy, i guess?
but do yo uknow how what i could do to make it taste really good? is there somthing wrong with what i did..? also i have powdered choclate milk and strawberry stuff could i use those as well in the blender ...what do i put in it to make it thick/healthy and stuff?? ~ any homemade rescipies would be appreciated as well..