
If you know someone who cheats on their taxes?

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is there some kind of reward for turning them in? Or if they are illegally claiming to own a productive business?




  1. If you have EVIDENCE of tax fraud or tax evasion the IRS would definitely be interested.  The IRS isn't interested in reports based upon hearsay evidence, such as some blowhard who claims that he never files a tax return or never pays taxes.  They need actionable information, not hearsay.

    The IRS does pay a finder's fee for good information if it results in the collection of tax.  They get to determine how much they will pay and it's generally limited to 10% of the actual tax COLLECTED.  (If you have great evidence but the individual is penniless and nothing can be collected, that's what you get:  Nothing.)

    You can file anonymously, however if you do you give up the right to any payment.

    And keep in mind that if someone claims to own a productive business and pays the taxes, no tax crime has been committed.  There may be other laws broken -- bank fraud or drug dealing immediately come to mind -- but if they pay their taxes, the IRS has no dog in that fight.

  2. if it is only a little bloke who is trying to save a couple of  dollars for himself,then i would guess that he is in the majority of people that clam that they drove a little further for work related stuff than they did.if it is this sorta bloke or Shelia then just leave it be..but if it is a boss and you think he is doing the system over at the detriment of the workers then go ahead and rat the mongrel out

  3. Report tax cheaters.  30% of ANY stolen tax $$$$ collected by the IRS goes to the whistleblower---and that could surmount to quite a nifty paycheck.

    In the news, there's this Euro bank named LGT--that got BUSTED being the U.S. mulit-BILLION $$$$ hideout by scores of mega-wealthy people ducking U.S. taxes.

    Former "disgruntled" LGT computer IT guy Hans Keeber snagged the ENTIRE LGT list of these U.S. tax cheats---and made deals w/ the FBI and InterPol--downloaded the list to these law enforcement agencies.  

    Estimations are the stolen IRS tax money goes BEYOND TRILLIONS of $$$$!!!  The case may expose people responsible for the Middle East per oil barrel price gouging and U.S. economy woes.  Yeah....the case is THAT big!!!

    There are some POWERFUL names on THAT list--details sure to shock us on WHO they are.  And yes: they ALL are crooks deserving prison time!!!!

    And Keeber stands to get the SWEET! 30%  of any of THAT money recovered by the IRS!!!  

    Your 30% reward for tipping the IRS may NOT match what Keeber stands to make; his case is ultra-rare---but you DO stand a chance to make a hefty profit......and remain anonymous doing so.

  4. go to the IRS. There is definatly a reward.

  5. you can turn someone in.  I do not know what your definition is for "illegally" claiming  to own a productive business.  If they are profitable and somehow illegal witholding tax, then you can turn them in, but you have to have solid evidence.  Just being an employee does not guarantee that you're offered insight into how the business runs.

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